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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/11/2015 RainCityGirl said:
On 4/11/2015 Lucibee said:

I know I have been afraid to post on various threads for fear of being bashed.

Oh please. It's an anonymous chat board. Fear of being bashed??? They are just words. Consider the source and move on. Incidentally, vehemently disagreeing with someone is NOT bashing.

Whatever you say!

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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/11/2015 RainCityGirl said:

Since WHEN are cops trained to shoot to kill in a situation of a broken tail light and a child support delinquency? Cops are trained to use reasonable judgement and diffuse before things get out of hand. They shoot to kill when they are in very dangerous situations, and many of them do find themselves in that scenario. This guy just made it that much more difficult for truly conscientious officers. That officer did NOT have probable cause to shoot that fleeing man in the back, and he lied about his life being threatened. IT WASN't. Period. You can contrive all kinds of fantasies in your heads to excuse this cop, but he was wrong....dead wrong. Had there not been a video and a man in the car, this cop would have gone free untarnished by his decision, just as other cops have. They can turn off any cams they have on their person, but they can't turn off all the other cameras of private citizens that may be watching and recording them. There have always been dirty cops and overly aggressive cops that give a bad name to others. It's a shame, really. And the guy who fled? Sure, he used bad judgement thinking fleeing would help him avoid jail time for deliquent child support. They would have caught up to him eventually anyway. He paid for it with his life because a rogue cop couldn't control himself. We don't need irrational people on the police force as well as the citizenry.

You are making too many assumptions this early on. All the evidence isn't in, and we have to wait on that before we can unequivocally declare the cop as guilty.

Did anyone consider, even the most remote possibility, that he was charged and widely condemned so quickly in order to avoid another Ferguson? Could it have been done to keep the peace, prevent more riots? Perhaps yes, and perhaps no, only time will tell the whole story.

But people who get on boards within hours or days of an event like this, who witnessed nothing personally, who look at video provided by news sources (that we learn more every day we can't trust, and are out to make a buck, get the ratings), and trust what they think they already know as gospel, to convict as judge and jury, should consider there might be more to it than meets the eye. That there just might be two wrongs and neither were right.