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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: My mother died. Looking for some advice....

I am most sorry for the loss of your mother.  This is such a hard time for you without all these difficult decisions.  

Nobody could even imagine this.  In many Catholic families there is a ritual of a wake, funeral mass, and burial.  Always this way in my family.  But now things must change, but you are in control of how you want them.

My DB’s best friend’s mother just passed, and she was buried with a tiny graveside service with a priest.  They intend to have a memorial mass and reception at a later date.  

It’s all up to you.  Your mother is in heaven now and would be happy with any decision you make.  Best wishes to you.

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Registered: ‎03-06-2020

Re: My mother died. Looking for some advice....

Once again, thank you all for the very kind and helpful words Smiley Happy


@PamfromCT  Wake, funeral mass and burial is exactly what I have always experienced. My mothers' will stated she didn't want a wake (perhaps because she chose cremation) but did want the funeral mass and burial service with a reception to follow at a specific restaurant (funds put aside to cover that cost as well).


I believe what is making this more difficult is that she died alone at the hospital (I was not allowed in ; no visitors in any way no matter the circumstance) and I don't believe she was giving the last Sacrament due to the speed of her death. Her faith was very important to her and knowing what she wanted...all of this is weighing very heavily on my heart Smiley Sad  I simply want to do the right thing by her just as I did for my father many years ago.


I called the Rectory this morning and left a message for her priest. I'll go from there.

*Four Seasons once again*
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My mother died. Looking for some advice....

@FiddleDeeDee   I truly sorry that given the crisis we're in, that your mom was alone when she passed.  

I'm sure you'll do whatever you can, to make things as right as you can, at this time.