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My husband very rarely uses his credit card unlike his wife  He gave his info as usual to book golf time  Immediately someone started to use it to purchase items  The credit card co called him and asked him about one of the purchases and as they were talking two more came in  They cancelled his cars and sent him a new one overnight mail  I keep my card in a rfid wallet but how can we prevent this from happening  I thought I would tell you  Hopefully we have a credit card co that will pick up something new

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It sounds like he should have a chat with the place where he booked his golf.  Great that the credit card company caught it.

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My husband very rarely uses his credit card unlike his wife  He gave his info as usual to book golf time  Immediately someone started to use it to purchase items  The credit card co called him and asked him about one of the purchases and as they were talking two more came in  They cancelled his cars and sent him a new one overnight mail  I keep my card in a rfid wallet but how can we prevent this from happening  I thought I would tell you  Hopefully we have a credit card co that will pick up something new

@mollymaggie- How was your identity stolen?  Sounds like someone just stole your husband's credit card #.

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thankfully your credit card company is proactive on verifying invalid charges to your account.



identity theft is when accounts are opened in your name and info by someone other than you.

~~who/what is responsible for your joy? YOU!~~
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It sounds like only your cc info was stolen, not your identity. It was dealt resolved quickly and easily. Yay that you cc company is good at detecting fraudulent charges.

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Re: My identity was stolen!

[ Edited ]

Wellyou certainly need to go to where your husband books his golf games and tell them there is a thief working there.

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Other than not using it at places like doctor's offices, dentist offices and golf clubs; there's not much we can do about this type of thing.   The problem is that he gave the number to an employee who wrote it down and memorized and then started buying stuff.  Or perhaps that person, wrote it down or another person overheard and....well....however it happened, his CC number was out there.  Good catch from the CC company.  Your husband should speak with management at the golf club because if it happened to him, it surely has happened to someone else.  Hubby and I use our debit cards for such things; we're very careful about where we use our CC cards.  Someone might get into the debit card but only the money on the card is at risk which is better than someone having access to our credit cards.    

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It does not need to be anyone where you use your CC's or Debit Cards.  There are people that have computers that run number sequences contantly and if by chance they hit one at the same time as your use your cc, its bingo!  This happened to me twice.

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151949 wrote:

Wellyou certainly need to go to where your husband books his golf games and tell them there is a thief working there.


ITA.  It sure sounds like whoever, at the golf place, took his card used it right after.


I'm not sure how that constitutes stolen identity, but it sure does indicate that somebody at the golf club is crooked.

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Registered: ‎06-24-2012

This goes along with my new years resolution to use cash more often as possible. 


Even paid off all easy pays, and put a period on it.


Best resolution ever.  Sorry to hear that happened to you guys.  Good luck.