@ninjawife wrote:
All I do know is, after all of this, I don't want to get another jury summons for at least a year.
@Anonymous032819 In my state you can't be summoned for at least two years after you have been called to serve.
@ninjawife That's true here too. However, there are different courts and I don't think serving on one releases you from serving on the others, but I'm not sure. There's County and there's District. Around here, they are also held at different courthouses. And then there are Grand Juries.
I have serve twice on County juries. If you get pulled for a trial but then get struck from that jury you go back in the pool for that week until they have struck all juries for the week.
I got a summons for District court last summer. At first I thought it was going to be a 2 hour drive, but found out they had a courthouse nearby. I got a questionaire to fill out that included any reasons I felt I wouldn't be able to serve. I didn't choose any of those reasons. However, I got a letter about a week before I was to show up that they had decided not to have cases at that time due to Covid but that it counted as jury duty for me, so I would not be called again for at least 2 years even though I never even had to show up for duty. So, I guess my willingness to serve even though I really didn't want to paid off.
They recently had a local news segment talking about the differences in court now due to the pandemic. One of the things mentioned was that the jury no longer sits in the jury box, but are spread out in the gallery.