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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

Nobody can be happy with themselves at that weight. She can live in denial if she wants to but her weight problems will catch up with her more than it is now. She uses PCOS as an excuse IMO. Her parents baby her (letting her live there, not working) I feel bad for her. I have a family member in a similar situation. Lots of denial and excuses and no legit efforts to better them self.
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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

I don't have a problem with her saying she wants to lose 100lbs rather than 200lbs. When you have so much weight to lose, I can see that doing it in stages would help with the mindset. Losing 100lbs, then another 100lbs, can sound more do-able to someone who's struggling, compared to having a massive goal that seems impossible.

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

I can't say if she is truly happy or not, but I wish her much luck on her road to loosing weight.

I'm trying to loose weight myself, and even though I need to loose quite a bit, I'm trying to just take it one day, one pound at a time.

I keep telling myself, "I need to loose one more pound"

Somehow that seems more obtainable than, "I need to loose 50 pounds".

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

I've noticed they barely discuss her eating habits and I can't stand her mother. I also think she's an enabler.

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

how this girl wants to live her life is her call..........BUT..........what she should not expect is, to live a long life or one that is not burdened with major health issues.........and when those problems come, and they WILL come, she should be resolved in the fact that she brought them on herself and she should solve them herself..........I doubt that her fat fabulous life will be so fabulous then......................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

I enjoy the show but I don't believe all the weight is from PCOS either. Her parents are great although the Mom grates on me just a bit. They do enable her and I think they enjoy having her live at home but she needs to get out on her own. I hope for the best for her and will be interested to see where this goes.

It is what it is!!!
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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

I watch this show and when I hear her talking about herself I think she is just staying positive and not letting her weight stop her from doing the things she wants to do. She has acknowledged her weight is a hindrance. She does realize her size makes it difficult for her to do certain things and that she is judged negatively by others.

I hope the next season of the show has her trying to lose weight. She needs to get her weight down so that she will not be burdened by health problems.

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

On 2/12/2015 Love my grandkids said:

I've noticed they barely discuss her eating habits and I can't stand her mother. I also think she's an enabler.

Anytime I've seen her eating on the show, it is never anything healthy.

I wonder what happened with the personal trainer?

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Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....


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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.....

Her life is far from fabulous, and she is NOT happy like that.

PCOS didn't make her nearly 400 pounds. PCOS can also be CAUSED by obesity. My daughter has it, and she may be a few pounds more than she should be, but NOT majorly obese. Obesity can cause the female hormones to go out of whack. Too much or not enough fat can cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle and fertility.

Since she is still young, she can move around all right. More years of morbid obesity and she will hardly be able to walk much less dance. Her joints will wear out.

Pre-diabetes is a sort of misnomer. She may have blood sugar on the high end of normal. Morbid obesity certainly lends itself to diabetes, and she is probably on the way. At her age, any weight loss will probably help normalize her blood sugar. Later on, maybe not.

I feel for her and hope she can help herself. She can have a long life ahead of her.
