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@Jordan2 wrote:

@Nicknack wrote:

I just saw a mouse in my house!  I haven't seen a mouse in my house in years.  I'll call the exterminator tomorrow.  I don't want poison in my house because of my dog.  What will they do?  Put poison and/or traps in the garage?  How will they get the one in the house?  I'm just grossed out right now.


The last time I saw a mouse in the house l was seeing them in the garage, too.  I had bird seed in the garage at that time and felt like that was what was attracting them.  I no longer have bird seed.  The exterminator put poison in my garage at that time, and it got rid of them.  This really freaks me out.  I'll probably have a hard time sleeping tonight.

I feel your pain, I recently had a mouse in my house too.Be careful you don't get taken advantage of. I called an extermination company and they tried to sell me a monthly plan and tried to scare me if there was one mouse there was more (there wasn't)  Honestly I would save my money because the company put out the cheapest traps you could buy yourself and also put down black boxes that had poison in them.I would not let them put down gluetraps because I find them to be so inhumane.

I didn't know there were glue traps available, but I wouldn't let them use them.  That does sound inhumane @Jordan2.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I am glad Kachina624 that you have no fear of mice. Good for you, I am with the rest of the ladies I am scared to death of mice and rats. I don't think that is anything to be ashamed off.

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A while back a very tiny mouse came into the unused dining room from a garage side wall.  I think we scared each other but he came back into the room.


I didn't have any traps and I had to get on the road quickly so I placed an upside down umbrella stand or vase over it.


He was a goner by the time I came back.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
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We all have things that we are afraid of or freak us out. I would never tell someone they were being irrational or silly to be afraid of something. It's not that I'm afraid of a little mouse, it's the thought of it having free rein of my home, going in my drawers, etc. I just feel better when it's gone.

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I live in the country.  People in the city 10 miles away have more trouble with rodents of all sizes than I do.  Out here there are empty farm buildings and leased farm land planted with grains every year.  The rodents have lots of food which means the red and gray foxes have lots of food.  I have 2 cats in the house and at 2 they have never seen a mouse.  If I ever do I also will bait a trap with peanut butter.  It works everytime.  I would have to have a massive invasion before I would allow poison to be used.  Sick rodents could possibly make it outside where a cat, fox, etc could eat it and die. Or heaven forbid come out in the house where my "kids" might bite them.  They have furry stuffed mice they play with that are very realistic so they will think a sick mouse is a toy.  Nothing like stepping on a furry mouse in the middle of the night in the dark.  ;-). They play with them all over the house.

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I had a mouse in my home JUST ONE TIME. It was kind of funny how I knew he was there. One night after sitting down to watch tv with my bowl of popcorn I lay my head back on the headrest of my recliner all relaxed. Then from the corner of my eye...THERE HE WAS just sitting next to my head watching tv! omgSmiley Surprised He did not budge! It was like he was enjoying the movie!Smiley Surprised That did it...spent the rest of my sleepless night trying to get him!Woman Mad

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@chlema wrote:

Mice may be cute in cartoons but not so cute in the house.  The best way I have found is last year I purchased what I call the electrocution chamber....




Dang straight, chlemma!  Electrocution chamber...that's what I'm talking about!



~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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It's rarely just one mouse.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@JustJazzmom wrote:

Make sure all screens are repaired, all foundation openings caulked and anywhere else they might get in. Use peanut butter on the traps and put them where the walls and floor meet. They tend to travel along the sides of a room.

Also let me add trim back all trees that hang over the house or limbs that touch the house. They crawl tp the tree , jump on the roof and find ways to get into your attic.

Raccoons and squirrels do the same -- make sure there are no breaks between your roof, gutters and fascia the gutters attach to. DS found a chicken thigh bone in our front gutter when we cleaned the gutters this June! I remember I had put out a plastic garbage bag for next day trash collection on our front porch and I remember we had had fried chicken debris in it. 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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@JustJazzmom  This is exactly how 3 got into my basement this summer.  I used the foam too, so far so good.  And while I know the fear is irrational, I literally could not walk down the basement steps after finding 1.  I now have traps, poison, caulking, foam, electronic pest name it.  I have actually said, and meant it, that I would move if I ever saw a mouse in the house itself.  Extreme I know, but can't help it!!!!Woman Surprised