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I have decided Mother Nature is trying to kill me. Just kidding!!!


Two (2) days ago we were in the 90's. Severe storms came through. Then high winds. Yesterday we were in the middle 80's. Still humid. Today it is misting rain. Barely in the 60's and in the 40's tonight. My poor old body cannot adjust to the weather changes.


Who has pleasant weather?

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I do, I do, I do!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm in the metro-DC area and we couldn't ask for a better day today!  Low humidity and temps high 70s to about 80.  Perfect!

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Sunny and in the comfortable mid 60's in Wisconsin right now.

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It's 60 degrees and sunny, I love it. I'll take it cooler any day !

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Today in NJ it is a perfect day.........


But what an awful spring we have had..............just sayin'

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North Georgia is ping ponging between 75 and 90.  We are not sure if we want to commit to summer yet.  Smiley Very Happy

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I live in CO and we have been having nice weather with days in the eighties. Then a storm came through and dropped us down to forty five for a couple of days this past week. It has been sunny during the day and raining off and on in the evenings. One never knows what Mother Nature has in store for us!

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110° in Phoenix yesterday.......Humidity around 3%

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Sheila P-Burg 


Just typical weather here where I live. As I said in a prior post! My old body got acclimated to all types of weather decades ago. Me? I just change what I wear, no big deal for me.





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Did not get rained on yet today, seems to be in the 50s.  Just spring weather.  Not much standing water or bad mud.  We did have sun this week for a bit.