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We just can't get a break. Going on 2 weeks straight of thunderstorms and heavy rains.  Ain't no sunshine and I'm sensing a mental breakdown coming my way if I don't see some soon!😕😕😕😕😕

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@Sapphiregal    Come on over and visit next door in NM.  We've got sunshine galore.  Actually we may get some of your rain from the Gulf next week which would be a blessed relief from our Exceptional Drought. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I'm going to need an ark if this rain keeps up!  

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@Sapphiregal    Come on over and visit next door in NM.  We've got sunshine galore.  Actually we may get some of your rain from the Gulf next week which would be a blessed relief from our Exceptional Drought. 

@Kachina624    Maybe we could share!    It's so dry, I'm turning into a potato chip.......   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: More Rain For Texas

[ Edited ]

I've got moss growing on my backside and webs between my toes. SIGH All my landscaping projects are on hold and I've got plants sitting in pots everywhere just waiting for some dry weather so I can get them in the ground. (Those are plants I bought to replace what froze to death during the vicious winter storm)


Normally by this time of year my patio would be decorated, all landscaping trimmed and tidy, and my time with a beverage while enjoying the decorative outdoor fountain would be a regular occurrence.


Oh well, I'm thankful to wake up every day -- but I'd sure like to see the sun when I do!!!


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Re: More Rain For Texas

[ Edited ]

@Desertdi wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Sapphiregal    Come on over and visit next door in NM.  We've got sunshine galore.  Actually we may get some of your rain from the Gulf next week which would be a blessed relief from our Exceptional Drought. 

@Kachina624    Maybe we could share!    It's so dry, I'm turning into a potato chip.......   di



@Desertdi   May I call you "Chipper Di"? 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@mspatmac wrote:

I'm going to need an ark if this rain keeps up!  

Looks like we in CT better build an ark too...windy/cloudy now...rain coming soon and lasting through until about 2pm on Monday...when supposedly the sun may poke out.


Can't complain, we've had the prettiest spring we've had in about 10 years (lately winter has either dragged out until May! or we've gotten months of rain, rain, rain.) I can tell it's been different...for the first time in as long, I've gotten my window boxes and pots done this month rather than dragging it out into almost July due to all the rain!'s the 3 day weekend so it would have been nice if it were nicer. Smiley Sad


Btw...was talking to a friend in VA this morning, and she was saying the same...been their best spring in many years. She had a theory...she said...I wonder if all our "shut down" where less cars out running, people not out doing things, not using resources etc etc...nature seemed to reign last year....seems to have done the environment well. I thought it was a good theory...possible.

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It's been hit and miss for us the last 2 weeks.  No real downpours in a while but I think there was one an hour or so ago at our house (currently out) as it looks really wet on our cameras. 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Hey, send some of that rain to California! We're in a drought!

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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It's rainy, late May that has become typical for midwest. 58 degrees a few minutes ago. But wow -- the color of lawn and gardens is amazing. Looking forward to summer sunshine. 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau