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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

@Johnnyeager wrote:

Nothing wrong with a practical, useful gift.  I have no problem with giving it or receiving it.....

I agree. 


True story.  I remember several years ago, I was in our local hardware store about a week before Christmas.  A little boy was at the checkout counter and he was purchasing a spatula for his mother for Christmas.  He was probably about 10 years old.  Anyway, he was so proud that he had picked it out of several they had to offer and was spending money he had earned.  I could hardly keep the tears out of my eyes because being a mother myself, I'm sure this is what she told the little boy she wanted.  The clerk asked him if she could gift wrap it for him.  She found a box, wrapped it in Christmas paper and bows.  He was thrilled.


Sometimes practical gifts are the best thing ever.

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

I think we'd be amazed how many gift recipients would prefer a practical gift vs. something they have NO use for (I personally would).


I don't think I'd buy for a very good or close friend.  For this particular boxed item I called a friend to see if she would like to split the cost - her husband does the housework since she is partially disabled and he's not much better! 


This is when I like to take advantage of multiple packaging when it's practical everyday things I can use by Split costs OR just give to others, but, not as a Christmas present.  

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

I bought them last year; kept one set & gave the other to my best friend, among other things, & she loved it, & I knew she would. She dusts every day, & with ceiling fans in every room, she appreciated the extended pole for cleaning.

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

Stuff like that I prefer to buy myself....No it doesn't make a gift that I would want to receive!

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

I was channel surfing the other night and stopped on celebrity shopping channel, they were making fun of the duster and the gift boxes. They didn’t mention QVC, just that another shopping channel was selling these as gifts  

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

Better than the Poo Pourri

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

I wouldn't care if anyone gave that to me, I appreciate everything. However, I wouldn't give it as a gift. 


What I think is worse is, who gives power toothbrushes or that new water pik thing that sold out earlier tonight? That would bother me receiving that more than cleaning gifts. I guess you could get the tooth stuff for your minor kids but otherwise no way


And someone mentioned flashilights, I see nothing wrong with giving that, especially to a guy or girl thats handy around the house, as like an extra gift like a stocking stuffer.. 

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

Yes they may take it as a insult. However I use to have a running joke if my house isn't clean enough bring you vacuum and dust cloth. So as a joke I could have left one out for them My house use to be so well together before my husband retired. Anyone else feel this way.?

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

This is true!!

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Re: Microfiber Duster Set With Gift Boxes

Who knows people any more back in the day people, were just normal folk. I thought people were happy to get kitchen towel set, maybe they thought they didn't do dishes enough. Doesn't matter I don't gift give any longer.. So I buy for me , they buy for them, that way everyone's happy. Sounds right to me kids!!