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Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

According to the NY Post.  

Thank goodness. Unfortunately, he is next eligible for parole in 2020.


 May John Lennon RIP.   Smiley Sad


"New York’s parole board has denied Mark David Chapman latest bid for freedom, declaring that the freeing the man who murdered Beatles great John Lennon would be “incompatible with the welfare and safety of society.”"


I recommend going to the NY Post site and taking a look at the Chapman photo it posted.  He still looks like a serious nutcase in that photo.

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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

How long has MDC already been in jail for the JL murder? I just heard on the local news where a young man killed his neighbor, it was caught on film, so they had him dead to rights. This man is getting 2 to 5 years for a manslaughter conviction in a plea deal, doesn't seem like alot to me for someone's life. The lawyer's did not say why they didn't charge him with second degree murder. My guess is they didn't want to tie up the courts and incur alot of costs. Just shows you the life of someone rich and famous like JL is worth more than the neighbor down the street.

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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

Since we don't know any of the details or mitigating circumstances of the local shooting, we can't really compare the two situations.


In the instance of John Lennon's murder, it was deliberate, unprovoked and cold-blooded.  IMO, MDC should spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of parole, as should anyone else who murders another person in such a callous way.


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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

@Venezia, I'm with you. The Manson Family received a huge gift when California repealed the death penalty and their sentences were commuted to life. Once California reinstated the death penalty, no "backsies" for those who had their sentences commuted were allowed. Every single one of the remaining Manson members alive should never be paroled.
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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

I hope he never gets out.

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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

Good, and I wont say anymore (just picture what I really think of him)

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

Just the thought of this horrible person being freed at any time makes my blood boil!  Every time I think of what he did, I just can't believe it.  I can't comprehend it.  And what I can comprehend even less is that a person such as this would ever be considered to be paroled!  

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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

@blackhole99 wrote:

How long has MDC already been in jail for the JL murder? I just heard on the local news where a young man killed his neighbor, it was caught on film, so they had him dead to rights. This man is getting 2 to 5 years for a manslaughter conviction in a plea deal, doesn't seem like alot to me for someone's life. The lawyer's did not say why they didn't charge him with second degree murder. My guess is they didn't want to tie up the courts and incur alot of costs. Just shows you the life of someone rich and famous like JL is worth more than the neighbor down the street.

@blackhole99  Interesting that John Hinckley Jr. is out and as of late a judge is considering easing the restrictions on him.





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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

@blackhole99 wrote:

How long has MDC already been in jail for the JL murder? I just heard on the local news where a young man killed his neighbor, it was caught on film, so they had him dead to rights. This man is getting 2 to 5 years for a manslaughter conviction in a plea deal, doesn't seem like alot to me for someone's life. The lawyer's did not say why they didn't charge him with second degree murder. My guess is they didn't want to tie up the courts and incur alot of costs. Just shows you the life of someone rich and famous like JL is worth more than the neighbor down the street.

Was this in NY also? And yes, it depends on the circumstances. Everything varies state to state.

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Re: Mark David Chapman Denied Parole Again (John Lennon's Killer)

@blackhole99 wrote:

How long has MDC already been in jail for the JL murder? I just heard on the local news where a young man killed his neighbor, it was caught on film, so they had him dead to rights. This man is getting 2 to 5 years for a manslaughter conviction in a plea deal, doesn't seem like alot to me for someone's life. The lawyer's did not say why they didn't charge him with second degree murder. My guess is they didn't want to tie up the courts and incur alot of costs. Just shows you the life of someone rich and famous like JL is worth more than the neighbor down the street.

@blackhole99   How long? Lennon was killed in 1980, when he was 40 yrs. old.  And he'll always be dead.