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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

It's very scary how today's society's parents behave...and aren't they supposed to teach their children a good example of good behaviour?

Years ago, I was a team parent for my younger son's baseball team.  I had to collect money from all of the players' parents to buy end of season gifts for the three team coaches.  I was appalled when one young boy's parents stated to me that they would give money for two of the coaches, but not for the third one because they didn't like him. These men who coach give their time on their days off and on weeknights after working all day and are not paid...I couldn't believe they would be so selfish!

This Easter egg hunt "gone wrong" is no exception to how adults behave these days and it is truly concerning!  I've gone to some when my kids were young and they got a little crazy, but nothing like the Pez one.  We finally decided to hold our own hunts in our backyard for our children...a lot calmer and you don't have to deal with unruly parents!

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

[ Edited ]

I always shake my head when an incident where people act in an uncivilized manner becomes the springboard to criticize all parents today. My children are millennials and parents.  So are their friends.  I admire the way my grandson and his friends are being raised.  I've learned so much from my daughters and others their age.


Are there pockets of bad parentng?  Of course.  But everyone?  That's a stretch.

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

@lOVETOSHOP wrote:

It's very scary how today's society's parents behave...and aren't they supposed to teach their children a good example of good behaviour?

Years ago, I was a team parent for my younger son's baseball team.  I had to collect money from all of the players' parents to buy end of season gifts for the three team coaches.  I was appalled when one young boy's parents stated to me that they would give money for two of the coaches, but not for the third one because they didn't like him. These men who coach give their time on their days off and on weeknights after working all day and are not paid...I couldn't believe they would be so selfish!

This Easter egg hunt "gone wrong" is no exception to how adults behave these days and it is truly concerning!  I've gone to some when my kids were young and they got a little crazy, but nothing like the Pez one.  We finally decided to hold our own hunts in our backyard for our children...a lot calmer and you don't have to deal with unruly parents!

In your first sentence, you talk about today's parents.  In your second paragraph you talk about bad parenting you encountered years ago.  Wouldn't that mean that there have always been bad parents and bad parenting?

Nothing different today.  Except the norms have changed.  Some for the better, some not so much. But that's aways happened throughout history.

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

People will act like barbarians to get free stuff.  None of them are ever ashamed.  Sad.

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

@Brooklynny wrote:

Unfortunately, with all the insanity going on in the world, and here in the U.S., Pez Corporate SHOULD have provided some modicum of security.  It's a public event with a fairly good turnout, and they should have been prepared for anything, especially if you consider liability.  If Pez decides to continue Easter Egg Hunts in the future, I do hope they've learned from this and will run a more secure and controlled event.  As for the maurading parents, back in the mid-1980s there was much made in academic circles and in the press of the decline of our educational system and the resulting "dumbing down of America."  I did a college paper on the subject, and I'm sorry to say that our chickens have come home to roost in so many ways since then.

Security?  At a flippin Easter egg hunt?  You cannot be serious.  This is in no way the fault of Pez.  Grown adults should well know how to control themselves.  Pez didn't even have to have this event, they were giving back to their community.  Do not blame Pez.  Wow.

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

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What do you expect from a bunch of low-enders looking for free stuff?

Typical black Friday crowd who can't think their way out of a paper bag.

How would they be able to set an example for their kids when they're classless and have no brains and can't follow simple rules.

The decline of our society is in full swing.

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

This kind of behavior isn't new and it isn't about class.  


For years we've read about parents at Little League games, hockey games and other kid sports.  Parents having tantrums, hitting coaches and ruining games.


This isn't about millennials.

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

I wouldn't take a little child to an event with that many people anyway - you can't, anymore, because people act like fools.

I wouldn't want to expose my child to such idiocy....



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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

Bad behavior by people who want anything they can get their hands on for free - even a broken egg with a Starburst inside. 


No desire to ever go to any event like that...

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Re: Marauding 'adults' in Easter Egg Hunt...Deplorable!

[ Edited ]

@aprilskies wrote:

Just shameful...  children raising children. 

***********  My first thoughts exactly.  Sad, isn't it.