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I don't purchase any fod or cosmetics made in China.I spend all my summers back in Italy.Chinese immigrants own stores and factories in Italy.They hire Chinese workers and import chinese materials,but they can say it is made in Italy,Also they don't pay taxes for 10 years,so Italians can't afford the competition and close down.

My uncle sold his coffee bar to a chinese man.

It is funny because years ago when I went to the open markets,Italians had signs saying (100% Italian quality).

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What strikes me are the number of US companies that present themselves as "woke" that use factories in China and elsewhere with deplorable working conditions. Even if you're okay with the quality then I would hope this idea alone would give you pause for thought before you continue on with your  merry shopping for cheap goods on the backs of the suffering and exploited. 

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The cost of item should not be only determination. Essential goods if not made in USA, can be withheld, or un-obtainable, as the pandemic has shown. We need to let our elected officials know this is a National Security risk that can no longer be tolerated. We do not need to depend on a Country that is unfriendly at best.
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@Foxxee wrote:

Imagine a country, USA, giving most of its manufacturing to another country...let alone one that doesn't like us. Then allowing China to place 25% and 15% tariffs on everything American companies has manufactured by them.  


Yes, it is unbelievable!

@Foxxee    How about the tariffs the US first put on Chinese-made goods.  Would you not expect them to retaliate?  It's the American citizens paying US tariffs that got the worst of that deal, estimated to be $1,000/yr for the average family.  We're getting screwed.


As for Chinese manufacturing, much of the clothing I receive from QVC is being made by countries other than China.  The OP must be seeking out Chinese made goods because I'm not seeing it.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@qbetzforreal wrote:

How is it unbelievable?  Companies manufacture in China and other countries because it is cheaper.  Is this a thread designed to get people riled up?  Looks like it to me.  I call shenanigans.

@qbetzforreal    I call it stirring the pot.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Everyone should contact their elected officials to let them know to change this.  It is too bad so many in Washington D.C. were so short sighted in this outsourcing of our manufacutring.  Or benefited financially by selling out our country......

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Registered: ‎03-21-2020
Re: Made In China
The cost of item should not be only determination. Essential goods if not made in USA, can be withheld, or un-obtainable, as the pandemic has shown. We need to let our elected officials know this is a National Security risk that can no longer be tolerated. We do not need to depend on a Country that is unfriendly at best.
Everyone should contact their elected officials to let them know to change this.  It is too bad so many in Washington D.C. were so short sighted in this outsourcing of our manufacutring.  Or benefited financially by selling out our country......
Had to repost this so it was connected to orginal message.  Thanks for viewing....
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New member? Mmmkay. 

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Re: Made In China

[ Edited ]

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

I see posters complaining on these forums all the time about high prices on merchandise and clothing on QVC. Then complain about it not being made in America. Prices then will be higher. So pick one or the other.



Its not just consumers that started this problem....what about some employees demanding things like $50 an hour for wages.....all that played in this too....I think more people are willing to pay slightly more, BUT A REASONABLE PRICE to keep things made here in the USA!!


Whats bad is the pharmaceuticals that are made overseas, even OTC drugs....these types of products should never have gone overseas, especially knowing whose in charge and running certain countries...very shortsighted ...SMH  And what about the food companies like Smithfield, that ship hogs overseas just to be processed over there and shipped back to the U.S.....We've lost all common sense....

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It's just unbelievable people!






This is not unbelievable to me. I watched the factory I worked in for 33 years, little by little, disappear and it wasn't because it was lacking in the ability to manufacture anything needed in the telecommunication industry. Why? BIG $$$ for those making the deals to move to??? You can guess the rest.


I retired in 1991 and I could see it developing before I retired. Things we made all of a sudden were not being made in the same numbers. This was only 1 manufacturing plant that at one time employed over 7,000 workers. Year by year hundreds of other manufacturing plants of all things started "boarding up".


Now? We are dependent on a quasi-ally for well over 90% of our Pharmaceuticals. That should be enough to wake up everyone in our country, even those that know little to nothing about the decisions made by "those that be". If it isn't, we are in deep do-do.


Who's responsible for this current situation we now find our country?  All this can be found if one wants to learn about it. Now with more indoor time for most everyone, what better time to make it believable to everyone!







