@Tinkrbl44 Go over to the Birkenstock shoe post. I've been bla blaing about wanting to get on my laptop (as opposed to the hunt and peck ipads) and my wrist was fractured in the fall.
I got tired of Drs so I didn't go to the hand Dr. Anyway, I 'talked' about it over there.
That one that I really like is the DynaTrap one. Probably the 1/2 or 1/4 one would work.
I saw where it only got one star. I don't know about that but I swear by them. I have a one acre one near the deck in the back and one near the garage door and that's 1/2 acre.
I have not seen any kind of bug. Wait a minute. One day I was sitting on the toilet (I get real here. Ha) and I looked out the window and saw a hornet on the screen) the window was shut.
I looked and that purple light was not on at the bug zapper (Dyna thing). I went on enclosed back porch and sure enough someone had unplugged the Dyna thing.
I plugged it back on and by the time I gothor back to the bathroom the hornet was gone from the screen.
Then I get them back out like in March (early).
I don't know what the one star person had problems with but...like I said, "I love the things".
You read about my friend who loves the one I gave her. I didn't mention that a few feet (not good at judging) they have a huge garden where they grow everything every year.
When she gets in there to pick the tomatoes, etc. they eat her up.
Probably a big one like mine might help that....maybe not. Even with her walking from the car in the driveway to house she doesn't get bitten.
I have several friends who have them and they swear by them too.
They are pretty cheap (under $50) this time of year.
I saw several here on QVC. The good thing about QVC is you have a month to try them.
This is a good time to try them out (while the bugs are still out).
I didn't read what the person with one star wrote, just saw the star.
I hope if you get one, come back and tell me what you think. I don't like getting off brand things. Maybe they work just as well, my late husband always swore by name brand and maybe he wharped my brain. Ha!
I hope this helps. Oh! My friend bought me some tomatoes on Friday. Her legs had little red sores on her legs from pulling tomatoes off of the vines.
She said afterward and taking a shower she can sit on the uncovered back porch and she knows that DynaThing will keep the bugs away. That's my way of saying "Thanks" by giving them gifts.