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Test run...

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My tracfone worked and so did my landline.  We elderly people  that live alone need landlines, yet they want to do away with them. Yesterday was a good example why they shouldn't.

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@Renata22 wrote:
We are without cell phone service. Wondering how many others? It looks like a big outage across more than one provider. I’m in the south.
So how’s your cell phone service?🤷‍♀️

@Renata22  I'm in central Florida & I don't think anyone here lost cell service. No one even mentioned it. 

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I don't use mine except in emergencies such as hurricanes, or family members who drop in unexpectedly.  Smiley Happy


I did check when I saw the news headlines, but mine was still working....


They are for emergencies for me, so it would be good to find out what happened.  I don't need a phone often, but it should be there when needed.

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I'm with Verizon and in the south.  If mine was out it wasn't during a time I tried to use my phone.  Have they said what caused it?

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I've heard different suggestions regarding what caused this. The fact that MSM could not get their stories straight suggests it was not a hack/cyberattack. Also, I've heard of cases where a man had cell service but his wife did not. It also crossed multiple cell providers using different towers. 

One suggestion is that it was caused by the sun but this would have been very mild. It suggests that we may experience something similar to the Carrington Event that happened in September 1859.


I have no idea what the real cause might have been. I'm not sure which might be worse, a solar event or a manmade one. Hopefully, we won't experience either, though we'd be wise to prepare just in case. We tend to go nuts is we lose electricity for an hour. What would we do it it was gone, grid destroyed?I don't want to have to answer that one.

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thats why I have a landline.

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@forego wrote:

thats why I have a landline.

@forego  - a bad solar event could take out landlines, too. And the electric grid. It would destroy most everything. Really old cars might work. Ham radios would. There isn't any way to be even sort of safe for that kind of thing. Everything that is computerized would not work. That pretty much ends civilization as we know it.