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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

@Free2be  I certainly wasn't pointing  finger at you. Having recently been the victim of tale twisting , and having @Cakers3  defend me against outright lies, I want her to understand  how I view these type of attacks , some posters level against others

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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

 @Free2be I'm not @cakers, but I hope to shed some perspective for you.  I, too, try everyday to be grateful. It's something I try to make a habit. As for the negative, please know that YOU have control over what comes into your "bubble".  You can control what you allow in your head and around you.  Don't turn on the news.  Get rid of notifications on your phone, get rid of news apps. Don't read the paper.  I am a road warrior and every airport has CNN on every TV.  I don't even glance at it anymore.  Don't engage in conversations about news topics.  I started this three to four years ago.  The results have been only positive.  It lessens stress and negativilty.  I have not missed anything. 


News does not contribute to well being.  There is nothing positive about it. Same with Social Media.  I was a news junkie for too many years and now I am not.  Try it.


if I want to know something, I choose to go to a news site briefly.  This weekend, I am watching The Weather Channel. 

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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

Thank you @sassenach1, it sounds like that works for you and there are times every day I do mute the TV.  I realize I have complete control.  I feel a strong responsibility to know as much as possible.  My curse.   I do not want to derail this thread so please, back to the Bahamas.

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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

[ Edited ]

How sad for all these people.  These children are in Heaven now.  That gives me some consolation.  I have to agree that it does put things in perspective.  I wanted to complain a few times today.  It hasn't been one of my better days but it is   NOTHING..... and I mean nothing..... compared to what these people are going through. May all of us unite together in prayer and/or thought....... and thanks, Cakers, for the post.

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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

Sweet boy.  Omg, he has the most gorgeous, huge wonderous eyes.  It is sad.  How hard life can be.  I am blessed.  Especially when you see alli these tragedys and loss


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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

@fthunt wrote:

Heard it on the news but - question - in the middle of a vicious storm in another did the press in the USA get a picture of the boy so fast?  They are up to their arm-pits in water. 

Are you suggesting fake news?

“All you have to do, I tell myself, is keep your mouth shut and look stupid. It shouldn't be that hard.”
― Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

Sweet boy.  Omg, he has the most gorgeous, huge wonderous eyes.  It is sad.  How hard life can be.  I am blessed.  Especially when you see alli these tragedies and loss


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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

[ Edited ]

I assume the boy's grandmother had a picture of him, . Nothings unusual about that




The death of an eight-year-old boy, the first reported fatality caused from Hurricane Dorian, has been reported by local news outlets Eyewitness News and Bahamas Press.

The boy’s grandmother, Ingrid McIntosh, told Eyewitness News in the Bahamas that her grandson died on Abaco Island.

McIntosh said her daughter told her that she found the body of her son, who she believed drowned in the rising waters. McIntosh added that her granddaughter is also missing.

“All I can say is that my daughter called from Abaco and said that her son -- my grandson -- is dead. That’s it. I don’t know what really happened. I think she said he drowned,” McIntosh said.

CNN has contacted Bahamian authorities who have not yet confirmed these reports.

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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

I was thinking today, "When's it going to stop?" It will never stop, only get worse at this clip. You know when you've stretched yourself to thin and I'm at that point. Several times this week, I've given to funds for kids dying, for somebody who doesn't have the money for a new heart and had a stroke, my beloved dog is living her life day to day, it's just getting too much...


I didn't mean to make this about me but it's how it turned out. I'm sorry...

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Re: Loss of Life in the Bahamas

  @wishmoon   I’m sorry about your dog! Sometimes everything comes at us at once. I hope things get better for you. So, don’t be sorry. We are all in this world together. 

  When  a catastrophic storm or happening comes it stresses everyone out.

   We are all sad about the Bahamas and pray for them but we are each in our own life with our personal problems.

    I’m glad to be able to read and give my output discussing events in our lives. 

    I appreciate these forums and have learned much from you all.  

     My prayers for the loss of life in the Bahamas and elsewhere.