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@shaggygirl wrote:

Excuse me for repeating myself but........ perhaps she's abandoning a sinking ship.

This is my feeling too!

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@SahmIam  wrote:

I've read many threads about the "personality" of new hosts and being honest, since I rarely watch QVC (I order online and may then watch a presentation) haven't noticed this "all about me" issue.


That said, is it really all that surprising that the new hosts ARE all about "me"? That attitude is found everywhere daily in real life. It's the #1 complaint I hear from teachers, from friends who are in social work, from nursing staff and hospital employees (I spend a lot of time in hospitals). The new hosts are a reflection of what's out there in society so, no surprise.


Each person has the choice to accept it or not.  Make your choice.


As for Jill leaving, I wish her well. As for the "older" hosts vs "newer" hosts, you know QVC keeps track of the numbers watching which host; show them who you prefer


I believe that the people that are all about themselves were taught to love themselves; however, what was left out is "not at the expense of others."

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Does anyone know the reason Jill is leaving?  Is it because she is moving on?  That is a loaded answer but I wish Jill happiness.

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@Equuleus wrote:

@alarmclock wrote:

@Equuleus wrote:

People get stuck in a time warp.  Things change, time goes on.  You either go with the flow or move on  QVC will survive without Jill just as they did when past hosts went in other directions. 

It's not a time warp.


It's way of doing business that worked vs a way of doing business that is not working.


The people come and go.  Standards must remain.


Yes, "things change" but if it's not broken, don't fix it.  I think we are seeing a deadly combination.  People in management are trying to flex their weak muscles but they have no clue what to really do.


I think there is a lot of hand wringing going on in the corporate suite right now. 

I don't pretend to know how to run a business.  It must be hard.  "Management" should be qualified and able to make changes and see the problems.  A host leaving is not the be all and end all of QVC staying in business.  No one is indispensable.

Again, it is not one person that can make or break a place like QVC.  It is a series of bad decisions or worse, no real decision making at all.


One host leaving for whatever reason is not going to put them out of business.  We all know this.


The point is that Jill's leaving - no matter the reasons - is a sign that things are not going well.  Yes, Jill may want to be a mom but we all know that her kids are now older, high school and college age.  She also said only a few months ago that she was not going anywhere - but some posters have told me that Jill has not contradicted herself.  Go figure.


Having QVC lose [or fire] three essentially brand new hosts is shocking.  Will QVC go on without them?  Of course!  I have QVC on my television right now.  It's not a black screen with dead air.


I see many posts trying to just pass this current situation off.  This type of stuff happens every day in corporate America.  Yes, it sure does.


The difference in this case?


We get to turn on our televisions and actually witness how this is playing out.  For some, it is meaningless.  They do not grasp what is happening.


For others, it is quite different.


These are real people with real jobs and real families and real obligations.  They have worked at their educations and their jobs.  This deserves to be discussed.



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I don't even know any of the new hosts by name!  I watch far less QVC than I used to.  When I see an unfamiliar face I'm not sure if it's a vendor or a new host.  I don't usually watch long enough to figure it out either.  Times change, I've changed, QVC and I don't have as much in common anymore.

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Re: Loss of Jill Bauer

[ Edited ]

Actually I have seen a huge difference in the way Jill's YHJ shows have changed over the last 4-6 months.  I always got a sense that Jill took a lead in the program planning for her YHJ shows since she has a great eye for decorating and design.  BUT, these shows have diminished in her running the show using her touch with featured products that relate to home design.  Yesterday, YHJ was all about the end of the gardening products season and her show revolved around what had been presented numerous times during the day; just not a YHJ show.  This has been the way her shows have functioned over the last whatever number of months....simply not the Jill's version of YHJ and I was looking forward to yesterday's show before her stint with Scott Grimes and JAI jewelry for their last show together!  I wonder if the merger and "change in programming" has affected some hosts career decisions?  I personally have found the changes unappealing and poorly designed, website IT has not improved, and many other things including hosts, has led to my major disinterest in QVC as it has been functioning lately!

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@Krimpette wrote:

@SeaMaiden I agree!!!  I thought maybe she had died!  A better way of phrasing the thread would have been nice.

I was literally shocked.  I had not heard she was leaving.  I hate to tell you what I thought before reading that thread.


On the brighter side.  How many years has she been on?  As long as Mary Beth?

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I wouldn't be surprised to see more of the older hosts start to leave.  QVC has been on the air for over 30 years and several hosts have been around a long time.  Twenty five years is a long time to work for a a company.  Especially when you have horrible hours and have to talk non stop for hours at a time. 

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Re: Loss of Jill Bauer

[ Edited ]

Wishing Jill and her family The Very Best.


As someone who stopped working for others several years ago, I think sometimes a person makes the decision to do what’s best for themselves.


Hope that’s what Jill has done.

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@Dooneygirls: First of all, welcome to the boards!  Can you please rephase the title of your post?  When I saw the word "loss", I (along with several other posters) immediately thought the worst possible thing had happened. Smiley Happy