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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

I'm wondering about entrapment.  As I understand it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, Singer was taping these calls and already working for the feds.   If they came to him for help honest help, and he suggested this process to them, how is it not entrapment.  Or at least how it will not at least come up as a defense?  Especially if they questioned if it was legal and he convinced them it was.  And I mean while working for the feds.

Now if this was a plan already in process when he decided to work for the feds to cover his rear and start taping the calls for a plan already in action, totally different.

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

@Hoovermom wrote:

Money and privilege have always won and will continue to do so.  

Shoekitty said: @Hoovermom , sadly this is true.  Very true.  However, My only consolation is we are all accountable, if not in life...then death. Also, perhaps this event in Felicity's and Lori's  life now, is for something they have done previously? Maybe, something hugely wonderful will come out of this as well.  We won't know. 

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court



I think they were on the radar long before they were caught on the phone with Singer. This is what law enforement does, gets people to fess up to tighten the case.  I don't think it was entrapment. IMO, of the 2 (felicity and Lori). Lori and her husband went above and beyond being a concerned parent.  They blantantly, knowing full well what they were doing, used their money and celebrity to cheat, lie and scam for their daughters.  Also, their daughters, as nice as they might be, were totally undeserving of going to USC.  They belonged in a City college or community college until they decided to take their education seriously.  Lori, and especially her husband are just  pompous, status seeking criminals.  I don't think they had their daughters education in mind as much as they did their own pride.


I think Felicty is guilty of course. I think she was ashamed when she did it, and even more ashamed now that she is discovered.  Does that make it a little more right? No.  But it is a little less blatant flaunting of celebrity/ wealth. Than Lori/ Mossimo.  They are just over the top


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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

 Read that USC & other colleges are going threw students records to see if their parents did the same thing and will be removed from campus. Also the students that got degrees if involved with tampered to get accepted will lose their degree which will take a long time to figure it all out. I feel this has been going on for a long time & these 2 actresses got caught and now the colleges that looked the other way has to come clean too. This is going to take time & more things will come out. Heard court tv is coming back & hope this makes it love to watch it and see how this all ends up. 

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

@lovesrecess wrote:
I don’t understand why William Macy was not charged with anything when he was the person who wrote the check for 15k to the scam artist to have the test scores altered.

@lovesrecess   As I posted on another one of these threads, they didn't have enough direct hard evidence (like Felicity's emails) to connect him to it, even though they authorities think he was complicit.  

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

@Johnnyeager wrote:

On an earlier thread from last week there was a lengthy discussion about the differences between Lori and Felicity in their first court appearances based upon sketches by the courtroom artist.


Felicity had been brought directly from her home upon arrest, while Lori had time to fly to LA from Canada and make a stop a home before court.  Why the differences in treatment is left to speculation I guess.

@Johnnyeager - I think the difference is because Lori was in Canada filming. The FBI had to negotiate a date when she could fly back and turn herself in. Felicity was here, and she and Bill, as we all know, were awakened by FBI agents. She had to go to court immediately. 


This whole story makes me so mad. DS is in college now, and he worked hard to get there (so did DD who has graduated). Lori's girls are spoiled brats. At least the older one is sad she has to leave; the younger one could care less. I'm just wondering what their grades at USC are like. She obviously completed one semester. I know a lot of students who haven't made the grade at some esteemed university and have had to come home after one semester. Colleges don't fool around with that. 


Lori's daughers both "withdrew" before USC could "evaluate" them and throw them out. Felicity's daughter is currently a senior in high school. I don't think she'll have a chance of attending a well-known university.


Supposedly from what I've read, William Macy was ready to get involved with their younger daughter, but wanted to wait and see how she performed on the SAT on her own. He obviously knew, but as others have said, he is not on tape and there are no e-mails.


One reporter said all of the high powered lawyers in LA have been retained by defendants in these cases. Go figure! All these families will have the best money can buy, but I do think some of them will serve jail time.


Lori's daughter Olivia is "mad" at her parents for doing this. Are you KIDDING me?? She knew exactly what was going on. She will make millions from her Kardashian-like YouTube videos, even though Sephora and her other sponsors dropped her. 


Of course we all know Lori was dropped by Hallmark and Netflix, but I haven't heard anything about Felicity's shows, and I think she is in a few too right?


One young man involved in this scandal at least apologized. I think all of these kids need to be sentenced to do community service and really get their hands dirty. Maybe there will be a little hope for them and they will think about others some!  

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

Felicity has completed a Netflix movie and a Netflix miniseries, neither of which has aired yet.  No word from Netflix on what their plans are.

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

IMO, of the two actresses, Lori’s actions are the most troubling and Olivia Jade, of the three girls, is the most spoiled.  This young lady has such an entitled sense of being.  She (they all do but mostly Jade) needs to do some community service to see up close how or people live without excessive money.  It might open her eyes.  She young enough to be turned into a good person.  If she doesn’t bring down her “it’s all about me” attitude, she gonna loose a lot of her ‘followers’.  Followers, ha!  The word sounds so cultists.


I hope Felicity’s movies with Netflix do come out.  If not, other actors will be punished for her actions and that’s not fair.  Leave the choice to viewers whether to watch or not.  All of these actors should apologize to their fellow cast members.


It’s sad, however, that these other cheaters aren’t put into the limelight like the actors are but they have no name recognition.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

Lori and Felicity will keep the story in front of people, which is a good thing.


Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood won't be at the courthouse if the two of them weren't there.  The Wall Street attorney and the Hedge Fund manager just aren't as glamorous or interesting.


To me, more outrageous is the story of Isabelle Henriquez, who conspired with her parents to not only cheat on the SAT, but, for good measure, falsely present herself as a Georgetown tennis recruit.  I guess as an added guarantee.


Her "proctor" sat with her during the exam administered at Notre Dame High School, a private, all-girls school.  She and her mother allegedly "gloated" about the cheating afterwards.

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Re: Lori & Felicity Show Heads to Court

I guess Dr. Dre's $70 million contribution lead to his daughter's independent admission to USC LOL.......