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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

Was the letter addressed to you or the Estate of?


If I recall your sister is the executrix of the estate?  If she is, you can't do anything unless she agrees to it.




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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

Having been responsible for disposing of more than one estate--not inheriting mind you but being executor--I will say that having a spare house is a huge burden.


You have to insure it, make sure it stays in decent repair, pay taxes and upkeep, etc.


Get 2 or 3 reliable estimates on the property, don't be sentimental about it, it's a house.  Find out what it is really worth and how long it possibly would take to sell it.


Figure out approximately how much it will cost you to keep it going until it sells and make a decision based on that, the economic situation, and how much you want to spend time and dollars on it and for how long. 


It's possible to lose a lot of money while it is just sitting there not being sold.  Been there done that.

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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

We get those letters all the time.  A couple of times, people have come to the door. Of course we pass and say get lost. They're house flippers.  Purchase the house, do cosmetic work and re sell it for a higher price.  They will buy your house as is.  I would still have a realtor representing me in the sale to ensure a fair market price.

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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

The way the market is these days, at least where I live-there are legitimate real estate agents who will buy this way then flip the house. Some real estate agencies also offer what they call a concierge service. They front the money for renovations to raise the asking price. Then you pay them back out of the additional profits. 


I would interview several agents with your sister. I wouldn't go the route of these letters, unless it became necessary.


Depending on location, it's a sellers market these days even in a pandemic. Not everywhere of course.

"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"
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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

I get these letters everyday in the mail about my own house.


Trash it!

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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

I don't care how legitimate it might be, there is no way I would consider selling a house to someone who is finding potential properties thru obituaries!   

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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

These letters are sent by "house flippers."  They buy low, fix uo the house and sell high.


I wouldn't take the bait.  



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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

We have a sellers market right now and not going to change any time soon due to a new government contract in the area.  We regularly get letters in the mail from realtors.  I never read them, so I'm not sure if they want to buy the house or just sell it for us.  We're not going anywhere anytime soon.  

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Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

I get a lot of those letters - they go right in the shredder.

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Posts: 14,437
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Letter I Got About Selling A House

@CelticCrafter wrote:

Was the letter addressed to you or the Estate of?


If I recall your sister is the executrix of the estate?  If she is, you can't do anything unless she agrees to it.




@CelticCrafter  my sister just found out we are suppose to be co-executrixs' of my mother's estate. The letter was addressed to my mother or current resident. I don't understand how the lawyer who drew up the will didn't make it clear to us ( my sister uses the lawyer for herself).