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Registered: ‎04-27-2015

Let it go.....please make it stop.

People reported the two married Duggar girls are each going to have specials on TV towards the end of this year. Jill's special will be on her mission work and Jessa's special will be on the birth of her baby. Jessa said she felt cheated with the show taken off, not to have the coverage on her baby's birth like her sister did. Guess they miss that money too.

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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I will certainly NOT be watching and I hope no one else will either because that's the only way the networks will stop this travesty. These people really should go away. The TV powers-that-be need to dig deep into their shallow storehouse of ethics and just go away from this awful group of cultists.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I personally will voice my opinion thru not watching.  As long as there's an audience, this family will remain in the public eye.   

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Posts: 13,038
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I've never even found these people/show while channel surfing.


But if I did, just like with sports, I'd turn it off before one vowel came out.


Do these people 'grace' the covers of magazines in the supermarkets?  Cause I can't say I think I've ever seen one.

Super Contributor
Posts: 443
Registered: ‎09-23-2015

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

Did you actually hear them say that or are you believing what the networks and tabloids tell you?  I learned long ago not to form an opinion on any subject in the news without knowing all of the facts.  I do know this family has been dragged through the mud and THAT is what needs to stop.  Only God knows their hearts or their intentions and no one else has a right to judge them.   

"I always have a chair for you in the smallest parlor in the world, to wit, my heart." --Emily Dickinson
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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

THey are addicted to the spotlight.  Shameful...

Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,517
Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

Lucky Charm:  Same here.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,179
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

Will TLC block the rest of the family out? (only show the 2 couples)

Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.


If a channel is willing to produce & air the stories of these two girls, it's a viable income for them.   They always get ratings so it must be worth watching for many people. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,746
Registered: ‎01-19-2015

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I agree with OP-- Who cares?? I've had enough of reality shows: No-talent people looking for a quick buck off of their "15 minutes." And the networks love them b/c they're cheap to produce. I'll take a quality program with talented acting, like Blue Bloods or Law & Order: SVU, anytime over this drivel.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~