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 I received a call this morning from a gal I worked with years ago.  We were friendly but that's it. I hear from her a couple of times a year.  She seems to be financially struggling and lives alone.  She said her son (in another state) is getting remarried and he is flying her out for the wedding but she has nothing to wear.  She said she has been looking on line but couldn't find anything. She complimented me on my wardrobe and asked if I had anything she could borrow to wear to the wedding.  She is about my size.  There was a repair man at my door so I had to end the conversation.

I probably could come up with a few options for her, but am reluctant for some reason to accommodate her request.  It's not like she is a friend.  Not sure if she will call again to ask, but I want to be ready with my answer before she does.

How would you feel about lending out your clothes?

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Re: Lending Clothes

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Why not just be kind and help her out? People over clothes. Perhaps she has asked others and has gotten 'no's' and she just needs a 'yes' to lift her burden. It may have taken her a lot to even ask so be the person that says 'yes, I'd be happy to'. You just might make her day.

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Re: Lending Clothes

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Unless she was a close friend, or I wanted to get rid of the item, no, I would not "lend" my clothing to anyone.  Suggest places that you buy your clothes and she can fend for herself.


What a strange request from someone you're not that friendly with.


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If I could help someone in need by honoring a simple request I would. You may have something that you no longer wear that she would be thankful to have.

"The good thing about Science is that it's true, whether or not you believe in it."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Re: Lending Clothes

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I loaned my wedding dress to a friend. She told me she would have it dry cleaned before she returned it so I agreed to let her use it. She told me the garment bag had gotten torn up so she would replace it. She returned my dress not cleaned in a cheap plastic bag. I had to have it cleaned & buy another acid free bag to store it in. That's my story.

If you want to loan her something to wear for the wedding just know you may not get it back at all or you may get it back not in the condition it's in now. If you are good with that loan her something to wear. If your not don't. Stuff can happen. 

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I have a lot of clothes.... so I would (and have in the past) just give her something to wear to the wedding.





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Tell her to visit her local thrift shops, even small towns have them.   St. Vincent's, Goodwill, Salvation Army.   If she can't find something she likes she's not trying.  She may not like what you have anyway, I'm hoping she isn't shopping your closet.  

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There are plenty of resell outlets in almost every community where things are sold very inexpensively.  Suggest she check them out.


I, too, would not lend clothes unless the item was disposable.  I think it's nervy to even ask someone other than a very close friend or relative.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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If you want to help her, go through your closet and see if you have something appropriate and you don't/would no longer wear.


In that you barely see or get together with her, you likely won't get it back.

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Registered: ‎05-30-2010

Re: Lending Clothes

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I've had these so-called friends/acquaintances that "show" up out of the blue. They won't stop with one request. They will continue to call on you. Nicely tell them no.There are so many 2nd hand stores that she could go to.