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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

France has Bastile Day parades & that was the inspiration for the celebration in Washington. When one thinks of freedom one thinks of those who serve & sacrifice for us and others around the world.
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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

Bizarre???? Quite natural to think of those who fought for it
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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

@sidsmom wrote:

That’s great!

I applaud anything to support our Nation’s military.


Fourth of July is our Nation’s Birthday.

It’s your holiday.  It’s my holiday.


I don’t understand the July 4th/military connection this year.  

Other countries do this...but not the USA.

i believe the newly authorized Continental Army won the Revolutionary War -   !!  i don't think of 4th as a military holiday, but for sure, the military was primary in winning America's independence from King George's England!!!!

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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

Lisa can say she’s donating anything she wants until the cows come home but that doesn’t mean any of it is true. Facts are she’s a known manipulator and has said whatever it takes to push sales so unless she specifically states exactly how much money was raised and donated, then she just cannot be taken at her word. Her word has been proven not to mean anything. And if somebody doesn’t specifically ask her, then she’s certainly not going to be forthright with the information either. In times past, she’s deleted comments when asked for a dollar amount. If that’s not shady then I don’t know what else is. So let’s see what happens this time around. 

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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

@NYC Susan wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

Didn't she promise to donate proceeds before?


I remember that many buyers were upset because she did not disclose how much was donated.


It leads to a lot of speculation when things are promised, but no additional imformation  is given to follow up.


Talk is cheap.


My thoughts exactly.  I remember that, and it was the first thing I thought of when I read JB's post.

@NYC Susan 


And that is when she banned me from posting on her site. When I reminded her of her promise to post the figure when it was tallied up (and I wasn't the first one to remind her) and suggested that if she wasn't going to give it perhaps those who were disappointed in her not keeping her promise might want to consider giving directly to more forthright charitable organizations in the future. Those weren't my exact words but that was the jist of it. 

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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

She doesn't like to be called out on things like that. 


I doubt she will post the figures this time either.  The Tribe will gush over how great a person she is for doing this.  They will never hold her accountable. 

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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

San Antonio AGAIN I am asking you where you got the 1.5 million?   You always present yourself as being such a Lisa support and have a tendency to cut down those who aren't.  So if you are a fan what digging did you do in to her personal life to determine the specific amount.  I am curious about the amount 

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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

In another thread about LR, someone said the farm house LR purchased was bought in the name of a company.  That company name is different than the name of the company LR uses for her couch sales.  


Whether that is true or not, I don't know.  Who owns that company, I don't know.  But even if the house is in the name of the company, unless that company has assets to back up a mortgage loan, LR (or someone) would have to personally take on that mortgage.   

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Re: LR donating proceeds of sales to veterans

@Kachina624 wrote:

A lot of people seem to have Veteran's Day confused with Independence Day.  The Fourth of July is not about the military.

Amen to that.  My tongue is sore from biting it.