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The article quoted says it's an exaggeration. Maybe some, but it's not widespread.

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Some of the pictures are old and not from this hurricane.


Also there are hoaxes being put out on twitter that various gangs are grouping to loot houses and stores.


The looting could increase as waters recede, however.


There is mandatory jail time for any looter who is caught and convicted.


Nothing new.  It is going to happen.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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I could see that happening after the water recedes, but it seems it currently would be very difficult to wade through high water with much "loot."

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How about a news article depicting hope and all the stories of the community really coming together and helping each other,  strangers helping strangers?  I am hearing more & more of these amazing stories.  I'd much rather see these stories lift people up instead of stories of the isolated, and extremely small % of incidents of crime and looting.

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@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

How about a news article depicting hope and all the stories of the community really coming together and helping each other,  strangers helping strangers?  I am hearing more & more of these amazing stories.  I'd much rather see these stories lift people up instead of stories of the isolated, and extremely small % of incidents of crime and looting.


@Caaareful Shopper


There are several such stories on the line about the Cajun Navy.

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[ Edited ]

The Houston police Chief is speaking of this now.  The most stringent penalties will be sought for anyone committing crimes.   It is a problem. 


Such a shame that police personnel have to deal with these lowlifes--their time is desperately needed to rescue and aid.


edited for typos

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@2blonde wrote:

I could see that happening after the water recedes, but it seems it currently would be very difficult to wade through high water with much "loot."

@2blonde  True but some homes are not completly underwater and are still empty.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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No one gives a flying fig.  There are more important things to worry and think about than a a mere handful of people who allegedly are taking advantage of a disaster.  People are people.  You have the good and you have the bad.  The good always out weighs the bad.