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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Wricardos wrote:

Yes it’s a label! Now if you are single with children and a low income you can go on welfare and have US support and give them monies every month. They don’t have to purchase any healthcare insurance etc. That’s a huge incentive to not get married but to live together and claim no income on the mothers part.  





Yes, I am sure that all single mothers are exactly like that.


Way to paint everybody with a broad brush.

She didn't say all single mothers are like this. She said "if"

youre a single mother on a low income you CAN on welfare--she stated that it's possible. She didn't say all single mothers do this

@Ladybug724, I think you can't see the forest for the trees.

And I think some people like to put words in people's mouths

Since I did nothing of the sort -- in fact, just the opposite -- I hope this wasn't directed at me, @Ladybug724 

@suzyQ3 No not at all! It wasn't you I promiseSmiley Happy

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@Trinity11 wrote:

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@mamaslittlepotato wrote:
Personally, I like the Kardashians (don’t judge me😊). Congratulations to Kylie. I hope she has a healthy, happy baby to join Stormi. I’m happy for all of them.

Why is there such vitriol and judgement toward this young woman? I don't get it.

I saw some awful comments on AOL about her and the father of her children. Hard to believe the world we are living in is so harsh and cruel @mom2four0418 . The internet can be brutal...

Yes, there are just so many perfect people..

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

[ Edited ]

I recall hearing someone say the greatest gift a father can give their child is loving the child's mother. It is one of the foundations of emotional security. 

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Janey2 wrote:

@Anonymous032819  But there is something to be said for a child having both parents who they live with ( I do not know if these two live together).







So it's better for the child to have both parents living together, even if they don't get along, simply because they are parents?

@Anonymous032819 I read and reread the post from janey2 and I still can't find the part where she mentioned this.







That doesn't answer the question.




She said that it's better for the kid to have both parents living together.


I asked even if the parents don't get along, is it still better for the kid to have both parents living together.


It isn't that hard to figure out.

The way you worded it was not actually a question. And what she said was that there is something to be said for children to live with both parents. She said nothing about the parents not getting along and that they should stay together anyway






Actually, it was a question. Maybe you missed the question mark at the end of the question, therefore making it a question.



To refresh your memory, I wrote, "So, it's better for the child to have both parents living together, even if they don't get along, simply because they are parents?



Did you notice the question mark that time?


A question mark makes it a question.

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Janey2 wrote:

@Anonymous032819  But there is something to be said for a child having both parents who they live with ( I do not know if these two live together).







So it's better for the child to have both parents living together, even if they don't get along, simply because they are parents?

@Anonymous032819 I read and reread the post from janey2 and I still can't find the part where she mentioned this.







That doesn't answer the question.




She said that it's better for the kid to have both parents living together.


I asked even if the parents don't get along, is it still better for the kid to have both parents living together.


It isn't that hard to figure out.


Too bad the so-called parents couldn't figure out if they were compatible in other important ways before they gave in to their primal urges. Then again, consider the sources involved.  They're just lowlifes with money, fame but no shame or dignity.

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@lovemybichonfrise wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Janey2 wrote:

@Anonymous032819  But there is something to be said for a child having both parents who they live with ( I do not know if these two live together).







So it's better for the child to have both parents living together, even if they don't get along, simply because they are parents?

@Anonymous032819 I read and reread the post from janey2 and I still can't find the part where she mentioned this.







That doesn't answer the question.




She said that it's better for the kid to have both parents living together.


I asked even if the parents don't get along, is it still better for the kid to have both parents living together.


It isn't that hard to figure out.


Too bad the so-called parents couldn't figure out if they were compatible in other important ways before they gave in to their primal urges. Then again, consider the sources involved.  They're just lowlifes with money, fame but no shame or dignity.

@lovemybichonfrise     It seems they are in all facets of life these days.

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

[ Edited ]





Too bad the so-called parents couldn't figure out if they were compatible in other important ways before they gave in to their primal urges. Then again, consider the sources involved.  They're just lowlifes with money, fame but no shame or dignity.

So many perfect people..

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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@mom2four0418 I can’t believe how so many people think they qualify to pass judgment on this family.
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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@mamaslittlepotato wrote:
Personally, I like the Kardashians (don’t judge me😊). Congratulations to Kylie. I hope she has a healthy, happy baby to join Stormi. I’m happy for all of them.

@mamaslittlepotatoPersonally, I don't like the kardashians (don't judge me Woman Tongue) Oh, but wait that's all you and a few others have been doing on this thread judging others that don't like the same people you do.



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Re: Kylie Jenner is having a baby

@Katcat1   After reading all these posts, I guess I am what others here would call old fashioned.  I do believe in marriage first, then children, if that is what you desire.  I don't feel that I should be ashamed to feel this way, no matter what year the calendar says.  I grew up that way and therefore so did my children.  For moral and religious reasons, that is how I feel.  Sorry, not sorry.


I agree with this. This is how I was raised and how I raised my children. 

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