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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

It's the SAME story:  it's the underperforming stores that are going.


We see this all the time.  Why it seems like Armageddon to some, I do not know.  It's basic business practice.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

All that's happening is that more and more people are shopping online, so fewer large b&m stores are needed. Instead of having 2-4 stores in a geographical area that no longer supports that much in-store shopping, they will have 1-2.


A few years ago, quite a few retailers were caught off-guard with the online competition and lagged in creating their own online stores to the point where they couldn't recover and went under.


The retailers that are left are being very proactive now and are pruning where things need to be pruned, AS they need to be pruned, to stay in the black. They close underperforming stores that cost them money. They're not falling apart, they're operating smarter. Some won't make it (surprised K-Mart hasn't folded), and some will probably only survive in modified form (Sears, JC Penney). I can certainly see Penneys going before Kohls, and the difference is management. Kohls is on top of things, and it's been too little, too late for Penneys.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

Sears has been guilty of not modernizing their stores (same as K Mart). It's boring and looking tired when I visit Sears. I go into JCP and its brighter inside, there are always new items being sold. Sears is going to go under within the next 5-10 years if they do not change the interiors of their stores to make them more consumer friendly to shoppers.


BTW, both the K Mart and Sears websites are awful. Search engines do not work properly there. Whoever they have hired to do their website should be fired. The website looks as tired as their B&M stores.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

I do all my shopping on line. I have never stepped foot in a Kohls or any other store besides a grocery store. Maybe that is why stores are shutting down? I think it is the way of the future.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

Two things are hurting retail:


1.  Internest sales


2.  Returns from internet purchases to retail stores

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!


SeaMaiden wrote:

I do all my shopping on line. I have never stepped foot in a Kohls or any other store besides a grocery store. Maybe that is why stores are shutting down? I think it is the way of the future.




My husband wishes I'd never set foot in a store other than the grocery store. Smiley Happy

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

@brii wrote:

Two things are hurting retail:


1.  Internest sales


2.  Returns from internet purchases to retail stores

@brii wrote:

Two things are hurting retail:


1.  Internest sales


2.  Returns from internet purchases to retail stores



    Yes, all the returns go against the store the customer returns it to which is not fair. If you buy online, you should have to return by shipping it back to the original order venue.   By returning it to the store (say Kohls for instance) the returns go against the daily sales goals. While convenient for customers, I do think if you buy online you should only be able to return your items the same way. My neighbor is a Kohls manager and he says the online returns kill the store goals. People order so much, return everything -and then there is the shopoholic returning everything she orders. He says it is mostly women who do this. What a shame. The only time I have returned something to a brick and morter store is if was damaged in shipping. I hate to return items period. I was out shopping today and a woman returned over 500.00 as soon as the doors opened. Not a good way to start the business. People need to thing before they buy!  These returns hurt stores!

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

  Brick and mortar stores will have to step up their game to compete with the convenience and inventory that online vendors have. If they cannot provide the personalized service or atmosphere that will make us go into their stores, we will not do so. I have been appalled at the mess I see at some b&m stores, especially Macy's, and spent hardly any money there this Christmas except on some nice glassware for gifts. Much of the time, the apparel sections are filled to the brim with racks and racks of messy disorganized clearance clothes. I don't enjoy pawing through clearance racks of clothes unless they are really nice designer clothes at a super discount! And that is clearly not what Macy's was offering. 

  As far as the health of the economy, I think it depends on what you are looking at. If you are involved with any aspect of gas and oil, you are hurting right now, and it is going to get worse before it gets better. And the industries that supply the gas and oil employees will be hurting soon too. The rest of the country probably has not seen this, but here in Houston, it is very evident.


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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

I think a lot of people like the convenience of returning to the store.


I don't think it should count against the store.  There should be a house account set up for internet returns...

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Posts: 937
Registered: ‎08-26-2013

Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

@brii wrote:

I think a lot of people like the convenience of returning to the store.


I don't think it should count against the store.  There should be a house account set up for internet returns...




    that would be nice be it doesn't work that way. The returns count against the store you return it to . I wish people who order online would think carefully before they go crazy and order online from boredom at home. My store manager friend says there are a LOT of shopoholics who do this constantly and it has really affected his store daily sales goals.