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Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

I hate days that I feel sad even though I talked to my grandbaby last night and two friends today on the phone.  I am just lonely and I don't think it will ever end.  I hate weekends since I don't work and it seems time for family which I don't have around me.  So if you are alone today you are in my thoughts.

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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?


i am so sorry you are feeling sad.....i actually am enjoying my solitude today. everyone is out and i am not answerint the phone. did some cooking, cleaned a bit, goofed off on the forums, watching ROOTS. i love spending time by myself.


i know there have been numerous times that others have suggested that you get out of the house and keep yourself busy. why not volunteer at a hospital, a nursing home, an assisted living facility, a homeless shelter, an animal shelter? you will find others who may feel sad and lonely also.......and maybe you can bring a smile to their faces and help them in some way......and maybe they could even do the same for you?


have a good rest of the day......and do something to pamper yourself!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

I share your feelings, OP, only mine occur on Saturdays.  For some unknown reason, I feel really down most Saturdays.  I live alone, but I've lived alone a very long time now, so that's not necessarily the case.  I have no idea what causes the Saturday doldrums for me, but they've existed for quite some time now.  (((Hugs))))

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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

[ Edited ]

On your "Downton Abbey" thread you posted about a friend who is messaging you from the Academy Awards.  Perhaps you can enjoy the evening vicariously through his texts.  Maybe even see him on television at the event.


I recall from past threads that you find spiritual fulfillment from your religious worship.  Hoping that fellowship with other parishoners is enriching your Sunday. 

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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

It's strange, but I almost find it reassuring to hear that other people get lonely, too. I live alone, too, and I really don't have friends outside of work and I don't have family nearby. Being alone all of the time just gets old sometimes. 

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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?



Am I sad? No, I do not let myself get sad. I have the life I choose with the people and furry kids that I love, and love me.


After my many brushes with near death, what's for me to be sad about? I enjoy my own company and learned how much that meant then, and how true it still is today.


Hope your spirits pick up for you tomorrow when you are back to work. Ever considered working or volunteering on the weekends since they seem to not be a good time for you?





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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

First let me say that I am sorry for those who experience sad days. Since Sunday seems to be the day you struggle with, maybe you could set aside a pleasurable activity that you save for this day; something to look forward to rather than a day to dread. It could be a craft like card making, putting a puzzle together, lunch with a friend, thrift shop browsing, movie on Netflix and popcorn, baking treats for a shelter or neighbors, just something that gives you pleasure. I wish you the best.

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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

@DowntonAbbey, my heart goes out to you. Loneliness seems to be pervasive in this day of instant communication with the world at our fingertips. I am alone much of the time, but I am never lonely. It's just in my DNA to be happy by myself. I believe that there are many who share their days with others who are just as lonely as you, maybe more so. 


Do do you know a dog who could use a long walk? Seeing their joy and being out in the fresh air is a definite spirit lifter. It is easy to misbelieve that your life doesn't matter. When I want to reconnect, I volunteer at our local banquet that feeds the homeless. The gratitude is contagious.


Exercise, even mild, is a great mood elevator because it releases endorphins in your body, little happiness molecules. It can make the sadness a little less imminent. This life can be a long journey, but it's not supposed to just be tolerated. It is meant for joy. I hope you can touch upon something soon that brings some wonder your way. Heart



No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: Well it is Sunday, I am sad today are you?

@MaggieMack wrote:

@DowntonAbbey, my heart goes out to you. Loneliness seems to be pervasive in this day of instant communication with the world at our fingertips. I am alone much of the time, but I am never lonely. It's just in my DNA to be happy by myself. I believe that there are many who share their days with others who are just as lonely as you, maybe more so. 


Do do you know a dog who could use a long walk? Seeing their joy and being out in the fresh air is a definite spirit lifter. It is easy to misbelieve that your life doesn't matter. When I want to reconnect, I volunteer at our local banquet that feeds the homeless. The gratitude is contagious.


Exercise, even mild, is a great mood elevator because it releases endorphins in your body, little happiness molecules. It can make the sadness a little less imminent. This life can be a long journey, but it's not supposed to just be tolerated. It is meant for joy. I hope you can touch upon something soon that brings some wonder your way. Heart



What an uplifting thought.  Many helpful ideas here, I hope those feeling lonely take your advice to heart.