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Have any of you heard of this one.....there are 2 girls in my town named Nevaeh. It's Heaven spelled backwards.
It's pronounced. Nuh-vay-uh
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@KKJ  I have heard of that name a few times in recent years.

  We had one girl at our school with that name. But, her mother

pronouced it as  Nuh-vay.

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Interesting the different pronunciation!
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,Remember when cities and countries were popular for girls names? Paris, India, China and Montana to name a few?

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My six year old granddaughter has a friend names Jolene, and her sister is Loretta and her brother is Waylon... Guess her parents are country fans!!!!

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Registered: ‎10-19-2012

@CANDLEQUEEN ,"Remember when cities and countries were popular for girls names? Paris, India, China and Montana to name a few?"


I remember Dakota, Cheyenne, Florence and Italia(Italy in Spanish) being popular at one time too.

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The worst name I ever heard - about 25 years ago was Vampire Hunter.  I heard when the boy was older he dropped the Vampire legally.  

Posts: 36
Registered: ‎03-03-2022

One of our local news stations announces kids' birthdays M-F at 8:15 a.m.  One of the names recently was Da'Money.  I couldn't help but think of the movie Jerry Maguire and the famous line, "Show me the money!"

Our daughter is pregnant with a boy and is thinking of the name Lennox.  My husband asked, "Like the air conditioner?"