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Kid's Names These Days

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We became great-grandparents recently. Our grandson and wife were looking at western names.  Frankly, we cringed at some of them. Well, the name they picked was Maverick.  We were hoping for Hudson or Tanner but I think after they watched the new Tom Cruise movie that sealed it! Everyone calls him Mav now and, of course, it's their baby so we didn't say a word and it's growing on us.  He turned himself over at one month so, let's face it....he is a little

"Maverick" and the name fits him!  We are liking it more and more.


Our next door neighbor's grandaughter is Theodora and they call her "Theodorable" and sometimes "Dori".  The parents don't mind and that is important. If they did they wouldn't do it.


When you think about it, some of our ancestors had names that sounded pretty weird to me. In fact, I think my given name is a little weird!   

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Yes, anything goes these days.  I like Theodorable Smiley Happy.  Some countries have an approved list of names that must be used.  I think our way is better, though it does have drawbacks.

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Re: Kid's Names These Days

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Re: Kid's Names These Days

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I cringed when my BF's daughter in law named the first grandchild Jaidyn..........only because it sounded like a boy's name and she's a girl. A co-workers daughter named one of her boys Maximus. 


Growing up, one family named their daughters Velma, Veeda, Vida and Vada....all V's.  


The small town I grew up in has a history website and, although they were probably common for that era, some of the names from the 1800s are ones I've never heard of before. 


It can be pretty fascinating at times. 

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One of our local morning news shows has been showing kids' back to school photos.


This morning there were two little boys named Maximus and a girl named Octavia.  All under ten years old.

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I  like Theodora too. And it's weird but I used to think it ridiculous when Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, but when I saw a recent pic of her---she's very pretty---I thought it kinda suits her.

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Unusual names are fine. I just prefer it when the names will age well ( in other words not sound juvenile when you are 40) and won't be hard to spell or pronounce.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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My grandmother was Amelia though she went by Millie.


She hated her name and I think it is funny that parents of today have found it and I think it's even current top ten.


She would have been appalled. LOL

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my niece is pregnant. having a boy. name has already been decided. River. ugh. glad no one asked me my opinion on it. also giving son 1 and son 2 same middle name.  what are the odds, and daddy 1, and daddy 2 had the same middle name.  smile and nod. 

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Everything old is new again!

Love all the names mentioned here.