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I know some of  you if not the majority are dealing with the new board fairly well, but I have to wonder for those of us who are not "techy" oriented or have a hard time dealing with change, (I have neither an Iphone or any of the new "gizzmos") and just wish that someone had taken into consideration that some of us (I am 75 and proud of it) have a very time engaging in new things but that is me.  We don't even have a Tivo or whatever, LOL.  I just guess I wish maybe someone had taken into consideration that there are people out there who want to be a part of this board but find it beyond challenging and wish maybe the "oldie but goodie" folks had been thought about a little more.


I will persever and maybe something will click down the line, but I cannot tell  you how much I miss the old board and the USER FRIENDLY way to navigate it and enjoy it!!


"You never know when the last time is the last time."









"You never know when the last time is the
last time."
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I agree Ringer.Wish they had provided instructions and had better planned the "change over".  Most of what I've found has been by accident and reading what others have found.  It is a lot more difficult than the old boards.  Hang in there ... you made it past 75 so you will make it past this mess. LOL

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Just a comment or two

[ Edited ]

Ringer, I do fairly well with technology and I find the new format leaves me wanting more.  Visiting the old community seemed less like work :-)


There are some posters that I'm genuinely fond of, so every day I work with what it available to make sure I keep our threads on the first page so I won't lose them.





There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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The only thing I like are the hearts.


Smiley Sad(


Hi, Preds! Smiley Happy)

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Hi Brii!  Good to see you didn't get lost in the shuffle. Heart

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Glad we "bumped" into each other.  Smiley Happy

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Hi Ringer,


If you ever have a question or would like a walk through of features, you can e-mail us at Also, I saw that someone else mentioned being afraid of losing a thread, if that happens, just send us an e-mail. We'll do our best to locate it for you and bring it back to the top. Smiley Happy



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I'm not a techy and I'm doing ok with the new board.  I think it's just a mindset thing, for me anyway.


The first day I was thinking 'wo, this is different'.  Then I got busy looking through the settings and cruising around to see how things work. 


I figure it won't be very productive to sit around waiting for somebody else to figure anything out.  But then, that's my modus operandi.  Smiley Happy 


I tend to feel that if something doesn't make sense or I don't know how it works, I just try to figure out how things work and go from there.    Maybe the fact that I grew up, pretty much in terms of not being loved, coddled, nurtured, or made to feel safe, knowing that if I don't figure things out nobody is going to do it for me so I better either buck up or get out of town.  Smiley Wink 


Sounds overly simplistic, but it works for me.   

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I don't think you have to be a techie in order to figure out the new boards.  There have been many helpful threads from posters giving hints on how to make your navigation around here easier. 


I am no youngster either at 60 years old, but I am not intimidated by stuff like this. Just get in there and start playing and you will find your way around. It's nothing to be frightened of. Like any change, there are things better than the old way and things not so great.  


Just remember.  You got here and learned your way around before. You can do it again!

~Enough is enough~
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Re: Just a comment or two

[ Edited ]

@mstyrion 1 wrote:

I don't think you have to be a techie in order to figure out the new boards.  There have been many helpful threads from posters giving hints on how to make your navigation around here easier. 


I am no youngster either at 60 years old, but I am not intimidated by stuff like this. Just get in there and start playing and you will find your way around. It's nothing to be frightened of. Like any change, there are things better than the old way and things not so great.  


Just remember.  You got here and learned your way around before. You can do it again!



exactly.  I remember each upgrade people getting upset, swearing they would leave, join other boards, but they all came back.


Obviously, this forum was not beta tested and they had major issues, but the boards are really for our use, and not a money maker.  The other forums seem to be doing quite well, it seems that the non-QVC related forums are the ones really pushing back against the new boards.  Just my observation


I will say that perhaps once the dust settles, the moderation will loosen up a bit - I think they now have features that they didn't have before and they are still working out the rules and watching these boards carefully.  


I hope that good discussions can be had here in the future and the purposeful baiting comments are removed, while leaving the thread up for the rest of the adults to carry on.


They do need to fix the board jumping and also bring back the ignore feature, fix the subforums and add more of them, without "hiding" them by fixing the filters.     And get better emoties too Smiley Happy 


It is a work in progress.  This forum software is probably very sophisticated behind the scenes and it isn't some free software that you can throw together quickly.    I think that it currently is a bit bloated, but perhaps they will continue to bug fix and get this working better.

If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane ~ Max
Look, I don’t like the taste of broccoli, but it doesn’t get tastier if you call it “Broccoli!”!
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. ~ Eames