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On 6/12/2014 croemer said:
On 6/12/2014 Jules5280 said:
On 6/12/2014 KittyLouWhoToo said:
On 6/12/2014 Jules5280 said:
On 6/12/2014 KittyLouWhoToo said:
Which is why I said she works at it. That she's not in that shape because she's a "freak of nature". {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Here.... I found your eyeballs rolling on the floor, thought you might need them later. Smile Have a nice day!

You as well. You're so sweet.

Like aspartame.

Oh snap! Is that like that fake sugar stuff that needs stirring? You would know all about that.

Oh Snap

Oh *SNAP* to you both...LOL

i love this gif. lol

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel
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I LOVED her in "The Cell"...eerie, creepy, beautiful images. Put that on your must-see list.

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Maks looks like a sleazeball to me.

But that's just my impression.

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Posts: 152
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Blindgossip dot com is writing about "Hilarious Fictional PR P**P":

"This multi-hyphenate’s PR team is more entertaining than she is!

They have been working so hard to keep their star from being embarrassed this week that they are just throwing tons of hilarious fictional p**p against the wall hoping that something – anything! – will stick.

“They actually broke up earlier this year.” No. They were never really dating at all. That “earlier this year” comment was just an attempt to distance her from her fake boyfriend’s scandal.

“She will not be performing due to production issues.” No. There were no production issues. She just wanted to avoid being seen in public for a while. When the uproar about her cancellation became too loud, those mysterious production issues suddenly evaporated.

“She is dating a minor celebrity. It’s a new relationship.” The only accurate part of that statement is “new.” So new, in fact, that this fake relationship just happened this week!

Here’s what happened: She needed a big distraction from the scandal. They could absolutely not admit that she is involved with her bodyguard, because that would result in its own scandal.

Their solution: a new celebrity love interest!

However, they had four big challenges. 1. They had to find someone really fast. 2. They had to find someone with whom she had some contact in the past year or two (to create a plausible back story). 3. He had to be famous, unattached, scandal-free, and unquestionably straight. 4. He had to be available for the next few months and be willing to latch himself to her in the middle of a scandal.

They went through dozens of candidates in the past few days, but the pickings were very slim. They had to settle, so they got who they got. That’s who she will now be fake dating for the next few months.

So, is everyone talking about her new relationship? Yes, they are! Mission accomplished!

Kudos to her PR team. Seriously. They really earned their money this week… and provided us with great entertainment."

Many of the guesses are JLo . . .

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Posts: 11,095
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Makes sense to me tropical...I mean how embarrassing her BF was corresponding with tranny's...that had to be a kick in the gut.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Registered: ‎06-25-2013

Croemer... you are evil no wonder I likes ya!

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Registered: ‎06-25-2013
On 6/12/2014 sidsmom said:

I LOVED her in "The Cell"...eerie, creepy, beautiful images. Put that on your must-see list.

It is one of my favorites!!! We can do eerie and creepy together!

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Posts: 152
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Yes. I have always liked her . . . she seems so easygoing on Idol; have enjoyed her movies. Even bought several of her CD's. Sad to think she has to live a lie. She has enuf talent and $$ to be true to herself, even if it's not what the "public" wants--who cares, anyway???

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Registered: ‎06-25-2013
On 6/12/2014 MickD said:

I luv wedding planner and monster in law....I didn't like the "i love you poppy" song that she sang on AI....she's too old for that genre of music.

Hey MickD hun! Smile I also loved her in the Wedding Planner and MIL... that song is actually called "Papi" not poppy. Papi is a term of endearment meant towards a special man in your life, and she used that song as a promotion with her deal with Fiat, the car dealership.

Gotta give it to the girl, she has a way of promotion! I need one of those cookies! LOL

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013
On 6/12/2014 Lotus~ said:
On 6/12/2014 straykatz said:

I thought Marc was kind of creepy/sleezy in a weird way....they seemed mismatched....I remember watching them perform together on the Idol stage and it was was eeeew! todays celeb circle an 8 year marriage is longer than a lot of other celebs.

I've said the same thing to friends......and I thought the last guy reminded me of a younger version of him.

Not my cuppa tea.

Maybe she's just attracted to the sleazy type.