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It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

A local motel owner provided housing for the homeless in our community in his empty rooms. Twenty rooms were made available for people who not able to get aid through city services.

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

This is wonderful! Wouldn't it be nice if there was a daily listing of random acts of kindness in the news?

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

What a great thing to do.

I agree mgm!!

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

It really touched me, mgm2. It's been so cold her and we had such a lot of snow yesterday.

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

It was heartwarming to hear of all the random acts of kindness that those caught up in the nightmare of the storm. The one woman who started a facebook page to ask others how and where she and others could help in the Atlanta highway traffic mess was awesome!

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

I love this! How wonderful for someone to do this. I'll be those folks felt like they had hit the jackpot. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

ETA: thank you for sharing this, Lila Belle!

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

I mentioned it on another thread but those teachers and staff who stayed with their students are so admirable.

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

Thanks for sharing some good news; it's uplifting to hear people that have kind hearts to help others in need.

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Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

On 1/29/2014 Lila Belle said:

I mentioned it on another thread but those teachers and staff who stayed with their students are so admirable.


Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,034
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: It won't make the national news but this was so wonderful...

On 1/29/2014 Lila Belle said:

I mentioned it on another thread but those teachers and staff who stayed with their students are so admirable.

I doubt the teachers and staff had a choice. If they couldn't get the children home then the teachers and staff couldn't get home either.