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Re: It'

On 3/17/2015 missy1 said:
On 3/17/2015 sciencegeek said:
On 3/17/2015 missy1 said:

Is it easier to get accepted if one has a psychological problem verses a medical issue?

Psychological problems ARE medical problems. Mental illness is about brain chemistry. It isn't a life "choice" or character flaw.

Of course they are both medical issues. What I was trying to say are things that you can see/has a proven xray etc., get approved easier. Example: (loss of a limb vs bipolar)

Yes they are.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: It'

Chemical imbalance is not the cause of mental illness, it is the symptom of mental illness. Mental illness can cause many changes in body chemistry.

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Re: It'

On 3/17/2015 Suziepeach said:
On 3/17/2015 Ford1224 said:
On 3/17/2015 Suziepeach said:
On 3/17/2015 Kachina624 said: Apparently all need to do to be assured of acceptance is to hire an attorney who specializes in SSI. I know several people who applied on their own, were turned down, hired attorneys and viola, they were in.

Exactly right plus the right Judge, it's his final decision.

The one attorney my daughter went to came right out and bragged he has an "in" with the judges. Like everything else, it's all corrupted. She decided she is going to try to do it herself even though she knows it's practically a lost cause.

She is going to wait to see if this new treatment she is undergoing is going to work.

I pray the new treatment works for your DD, Ford.. If you don't try, you'll never know..

and I agree about the corruption, there was something in the news about several Judges in either Tennessee or Kentucky being let go because they approved ( were in cahoots with the attorneys) everyone, regardless of what their issues were.. I think it's a darn shame how the system has become & can be so darn unfair.

It's all who you know, not what you need. It permeates our society in so many ways. Not that it hasn't always been like this . . . we are all more aware of it, that's all, because the Internet provides us with this information.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: It'

On 3/17/2015 hckynut said: If one knows the ropes I see it is quite easy to get disability. One need look no further than increase in the number of disability checks now going out to people that are far from what I consider disabled.

i watch judge judy and she does a huge eye-roll, when some of these people say they are on disability.

stress, anxiety, back problems, etc. then they say they are pregnant or have had more children. some are paid under the table, paying no taxes, etc. and she calls them on that too.

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Re: It'

On 3/18/2015 RetRN said:
On 3/17/2015 sciencegeek said:
On 3/17/2015 RetRN said:

Have you seen some of the people collecting disability? The system is a train wreck. Those who need it can't get it and those who don't need it somehow manage to get it and love abusing it. Fraud all over the place.

"Seen"?! Not all disabilities are visible. I'd think an RN would know that.

What is your problem? I assume mental illness or else you are just a mean, nasty, ugly person. I bet you are collecting disability too.

Using disability as an insult is very low.

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Re: It'

I think people don't understand the standard for SSA Disability, which is different that SSI. For SSA, the standard is and has always been that the applicant is permanently disabled and cannot do any work. That's why so many people with back issues get denied. They can't do the work the usually do, they can't perform physical labor but the can do other types of work. They aren't permanently disabled. So, I can see how an orthopedic disorder might not meet the SSA standard but Parkins would. We don't have this person's medical records, so we don't really know what the situation was. SSI is different, it's needs program that is not based a persons employment. It's a welfare program and the standard for disability is MUCH lower that it is for SSA. It's hard to believe but people still don't seem to know that SSA and SSI are two completely different programs. As for psychiatric illnesses, it's extremely hard to get SSA for psychiatric disease because it's hard to prove that the applicant is permanently disabled and can never work again, at any type of job. It's easier for them to get SSI. Even then, many people who psych disorders manage to get the SSI benefits because in addition to the psych disorder they also are alcoholics or drug addicts. Addictions are diseases. It's not all about "who" you know. But it often is all about HOW you fill out the application and how your doctors complete the forms that sent to them. If someone is "borderline", it makes sense to hire an attorney who specializes in disability. They KNOW the application process. Also, anyone who is orginally denied benefits should follow the appeals process because the higher up you go in the appeals process, the more likely you are to get approved for benefits. That's because the administrative law judges can use some discretion, they aren't bound by the regulations in the way that lower level reviewers are.

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Re: It'

On 3/18/2015 Chrystaltree said:

I think people don't understand the standard for SSA Disability, which is different that SSI. For SSA, the standard is and has always been that the applicant is permanently disabled and cannot do any work. That's why so many people with back issues get denied. They can't do the work the usually do, they can't perform physical labor but the can do other types of work. They aren't permanently disabled. So, I can see how an orthopedic disorder might not meet the SSA standard but Parkins would. We don't have this person's medical records, so we don't really know what the situation was. SSI is different, it's needs program that is not based a persons employment. It's a welfare program and the standard for disability is MUCH lower that it is for SSA. It's hard to believe but people still don't seem to know that SSA and SSI are two completely different programs. As for psychiatric illnesses, it's extremely hard to get SSA for psychiatric disease because it's hard to prove that the applicant is permanently disabled and can never work again, at any type of job. It's easier for them to get SSI. Even then, many people who psych disorders manage to get the SSI benefits because in addition to the psych disorder they also are alcoholics or drug addicts. Addictions are diseases. It's not all about "who" you know. But it often is all about HOW you fill out the application and how your doctors complete the forms that sent to them. If someone is "borderline", it makes sense to hire an attorney who specializes in disability. They KNOW the application process. Also, anyone who is orginally denied benefits should follow the appeals process because the higher up you go in the appeals process, the more likely you are to get approved for benefits. That's because the administrative law judges can use some discretion, they aren't bound by the regulations in the way that lower level reviewers are.

My daughter might take this on eventually once she has the spiritual strength to do so. Right now she has too much on her plate, and we can make it financially sharing an apartment, so she has time to get well. Maybe well enough to at least work a part time job. She can no longer do the stylist thing anymore because she dares not work in a toxic environment.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: It'

There are a few people in this building who have had knee surgery and scars that show, but they walk fine, don't even have a limp, and they are receiving disability. I don't know much about the whole process, but it doesn't seem fair to me.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: It'

On 3/17/2015 Colonel Meow said:
On 3/17/2015 sciencegeek said:
On 3/17/2015 missy1 said:

Is it easier to get accepted if one has a psychological problem verses a medical issue?

Psychological problems ARE medical problems. Mental illness is about brain chemistry. It isn't a life "choice" or character flaw.

I had the same thought as you, sciencegeek. But I gave this poster a pass because I did not feel as though she meant it in a derogatory way - merely asking a question in an innocently misinformed way.

I wasn't being mean at all. I was just wondering who SS approves faster? I probably didn't word it right.

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Re: It'

On 3/17/2015 missy1 said:

Is it easier to get accepted if one has a psychological problem verses a medical issue?

I do not know if it is easier.

But, a family friend has been collecting it for quite awhile for depression.

I spoke to her at length at a family party, and I could not see the reason she couldn't work.

Having gone through depression, I know I worked while going through it.

Yes, sometimes people with depression can be darn near incapacitated, but this woman did not seem in any way incapacitated.

I don't think it should be easy to get it, but it is amazing how some people seem to get it and others don't.

Hyacinth {#emotions_dlg.confused1}