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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

I used the Trader Joe's blueberry face scrub for the first time this morning and I really like it.  It feels and smells wonderful!

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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

 I saw pumpkin space wheaties and pop tarts at Target

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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

Scooters has a pumpkin spice  smoothy. i do not think its out yet tho

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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

@panda1234 wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Some places sell the candy corn year round now.  I haven't seen any of the pumpkin stuff yet but it will all be out there in a week or two.  There isn't much of it that I can have now but I can still have my pumpkin coffee.  I should scout around for a healthy, sugar free pumpkin muffin or scone recipe.  



Trader Joe's has the best pumpkin ice cream I've ever had, and closer to Fall, they get a fresh pumpkin Kringle, a pastry.

Pumpkin Kringle should not be legal. I can not have this in my house......ever!

omg... that stuff is delicious!!!!!!!!

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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

[ Edited ]

Last year I brought a pumpkin kringle in to the office every Monday.


That way I could grab a slice and not eat the whole thing at home!!!


BBTW - I went to the Christmas Tree Shoppes yesterday...everything was pumpkins! I got pirouette pumpkin spice cookies, maple apple tea, two maple whoopie pies (the kind that usually are ordered frozen - they sell them individually and had a ton of flavors)...and a sunflower fleece throw.

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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

@kcladyz wrote:

Scooters has a pumpkin spice  smoothy. i do not think its out yet tho



I don't think we have a Scooters around, is it a restaurant?   Fast food place?

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Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

[ Edited ]

I popped into Michael's again today, they've upped their game!  Really nice things showing up, I bought a gorgeous pillow, maybe 16" by 16 or 17".  Deep burgundy red with a matte sequin slate skull. 


They also have other pieces in the same colors, I got a wooden box sign, black with burgundy floral-like edging that says, Wicked.

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

[ Edited ]

Cost Plus also has pumpkin goodies. They're just starting to stock their shelves, they don't have it all yet.


I bought pumpkin pizzelles and so wish I'd bought two packages as they'll probably go quickly. They're delicious!  They also have really good soft pumpkin cookies that I polished off quickly last year. I know they'll have pumpkin beer/ale at some point. They also have pumpkin-flavored Torani syrup.



Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: It's Pumpkin Time Already 😮

I just ordered pumpkin spice Twinkies and pumpkin spice oatmeal. I got some of the last few on Amazon.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all