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@Kachina624 wrote:

How cold is it where you are?   


We here in the sunny Southwest are about to freeze our tushies off.   It's supposed to be in teens at my house tonight.   It was in 30's for the high today,  and will be the same the next two days.   We had about 3" of snow Saturday night,  and much of the state got more last night. 


East Coast ladies... Please come get your cold weather. 

Hi Kachina, it has to be one balance in this world! Lol ! We are freezing every year and now I guess is your turn. I am sure we are going to get it eventually,but now it is nice here,  very very windy though.

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Wacky weather indeed @Kachina624!  Here in Southern New England (RI), it's been in the mid 60s.  It was like this right through December last year too.  A seemingly perpetual autumn (which is juuussst fine with me).  Of course, I'm sure we'll be repaid 10 fold come January... eek.




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It is hot and humid here in SW Fl now and we have the AC on but by Friday it is supposed to get pretty cool with night time lows of 40 so we will have the heat on instead.That will typically only last a few days here.

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Phoenix here and it's supposed to get near freezing tonight and tomorrow. Love it because we will be paying for it come July. The east coast can have the warm weather.

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@Scooby Doo wrote:

It's 25 degrees and snowy.  We've received 18 inches of snow since yesterday morning.  We only had 6 inches of snow all of last winter.  Schools have been closed, people sent home from work early.  In a 24 hr period there were more than 200 crashes on the interstate.   It took my GD 1 1/2 hrs to get to college yesterday to take finals, and it's usually not more than 15 minute trip.  Up until Sunday were enjoying above avg temps in the 50 and 60's.  Then the hammer came down.

@Scooby Doo   Where in the world are you Scooby? 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Cold here in San Diego, but I love it! Sure beats the hot, humid summers we have had the past two years. I have coats and gloves. Bring it on!

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@stevieb wrote:

I wish I could come get that weather. Have no desire to experience what's shaping up as Christmas in July... Rainy, muggy and in the 70's here yesterday. Not a bit festive... Hohoho...

@stevie  Where are you,  Stevie?   When I lived in Houston,  I'd wait all winter for a day I could wear a pullover sweater.   Spring would come and I was still waiting.   I absolutely hated that kind of winter weather. 

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@tucsongal wrote:

Tonight is supposed to be the coldest night in almost 3 years, down to 25°. With highs in the 50s, that's just plain cold for us. But up in the 70s for the weekend Smiley Happy





tIF you're in Tucson,  that is really cold for you.   You must be having the same system that we have in the Albuquerque area.   Will that kill all the beautiful Bougainvillea?   I know it's very sensitive to cold. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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in the mid-atlantic/northeast it has been crazy warm for mid-december. i HATE it! finally today a bit windy and  a little cooloer. each day the temperature is supposed to be a bit lower. i need it to FEEL like christmas. i have been waiting for the cold weather. i dont like these mild temperatures. yesterday we broke a 126 year old record at 72 degrees! i have a closet full of winter clothes that are waiting to be worn. LOL

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We are having fantastic weather here in SW Pa. if you don't want snow. I am happy with the weather we are having and can wait till March for snow. That way I will be able to go places and not have to worry about falling. By the time March comes the snow usually does not last that long. Family would like colder weather but the Mom here is content the way it is.