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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

Don't see a problem with it at all. Thousands of ebay sellers do this very exact thing. Its a lot of work, shes working for that profit. 

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

@esmerelda wrote:

@Abrowneyegirl  She has too much time on her hands, IMO. Maybe you can steer her toward volunteerism. 


Hopefully the stores where where she buys and returns will catch on and restrict or limit their return policy for her. 

I have to say she does volunteer a LOT.  Women in crisis, cancer groups, animal groups, etc.  

I give all my unused items to her to sell and we donate that money.

She is a good person, if any friend is in need day or night she will drop everything and be there.


So far only Soft Surroundings has pulled the plug on her!

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

Thank God for food pantry's. The stuff we hand out is not govt surplus, it is right out of the grocery store, plus we give them fresh fruit and vegs...

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

Buy low, sell high. American capitalism at it's finest.


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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

I find nothing immortal about it.  She is providing a service that's needed or her business wouldn't be a success. Not everyone has TJM etc. available to them; some may be disabled, can't drive, or live miles from shopping centers. She's putting in a lot of her time and it sounds like a lot of work.

The stores make a profit and so does she.


There are people who shop Good Will, Salvation Army, and sell what they buy online. Is that immoral as well?

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

I'm confused. Why are we talking about the food bank? Is someone accusing this lady that @Abrowneyegirl is talking about of selling food bank items or government cheese on Ebay for a profit? That would be incredibly tacky AND immoral AND possibly illegal.

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

Some people do that, running brick and mortar consignment shops as well.  It doesn't bother me.  

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what she is doing. 


It's called capitalism, and she is buying and selling.


Where do you think the stores get their merchandise? They buy it from a manufacturer or a wholesaler and mark it up. Why is it any different for an individual to do so. 


People buy stuff here and at the QVC outlets all the time and resell on ebay. People thrift and garage sale antiques and collectables and resell, and no one thinks it odd. 


If she either enjoys it or makes a profit at it, I see no issues whatsoever. It is neither illegal or immoral. It's a free market, and as long as she isn't misrepresenting the product (like buying knock offs and promoting them as a brand), and as long as she is abiding by the store's return policies and windows, then no one has any business having any problem with what she is doing. Period. It's really none of their business. 

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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

@bathina wrote:

Sounds like a lot of gyrations to make her own money. I suspect she cannot ask her husband for spending money, so this is how she earns it. Some wealthy women consign their designer clothes so they have cash.

I'd rather work outside the home than have to ask permission to spend money.

I make no judgement on the morality of her "job" except to say it would be immoral and illegal to not report her earnings on her tax returns.

She has her own money but not money she earns.  She inherited millions.  I think she just wants to be able to say she earned something by working at it.

Her accountant set her up with Quickbooks on her phone to track it all.


A few years ago her DH bought her a house because she wanted to try flipping a house (thank you HGTV) and she really did a BEAUTIFUL job.  She designed the entire house, hired and managed all the contractors and the house sold in days.  The problem was it consumed all her time for almost a year. 

Funny that she said was more trouble than what it was worth!!!!


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Re: It is not illegal but is immoral?

@Porcelain wrote:

I'm confused. Why are we talking about the food bank? Is someone accusing this lady that @Abrowneyegirl is talking about of selling food bank items or government cheese on Ebay for a profit? That would be incredibly tacky AND immoral AND possibly illegal.

Some people have a knack for taking every thread off topic...