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Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

I never noticed until a few months ago how many views on posts; sometimes 100's even thousands.

The odd thing to me is how many views with so little comments or hearts comparatively.

Are there so many members who just read or people who have not signed up as members who just read these forums?

Maybe it is like many other social media sites-people just read but don't want to join in.

Though I know I read for about a year before I ever signed up and posted.


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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

Sometimes I view the same post a couple of times without commenting. I read additional responses but don't have anything extra to add. I'll often give hearts as I read along.

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

[ Edited ]

I don't think that is surprising at all.  I don't respond to every post I read.  I don't heart every post I like or agree with.  Who has the time for all?  Also, while there are some regular posters here....a paltry few, when you think about it.  There are people who chance upon this board by accident or take a peak just to see what it's all about; they aren't interested in anything here so they move on.  There are so many  posts about the same old things that even when I agree; I don't bother posting because I have weighed in on that subject many times over the year.  The constant droning about prices and s&h charges and how the QVC isn't the same as it was 30 years ago leads posters to read a sentence or two and move on.  This is a very odd board, we are prohibited from discussing anything that really matters to people and that stifles conversation and bores people.    

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

Some posts I read more than once but I don’t comment on them.  I am interested in what others have to say and will ♥️ most of them whether I agree or not but it was an honest feeling comment from a poster.





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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

@on the bay


No proof here, but it is my opinion that other companies/websites have programs that comb through the internet constantly for information about their products in particular or products of the type they sell...such as "kitchen products."

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

A lot of people read here and don't post.


A lot of people open a thread, read the first few posts and aren't interested in the thread.


Every time the thread is opened, the views go up.  So if it's an older thread, it's going to have a lot of views. 

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

@OKPrincess wrote:

Some posts I read more than once but I don’t comment on them.  I am interested in what others have to say and will ♥️ most of them whether I agree or not but it was an honest feeling comment from a poster.



@OKPrincess  I do the same. Sometimes there may be one thought out of many expressed that I agree with but that one many generate enough of a response within me to give a Heart

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

Dummy here,but I don't understand.


I never noticed that either ,is that how many times I view something or how many times someone else does?

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

I am not surprised at all. I know exactly why I have drastically cut my posting. People do what is enjoyable, once the fun is gone they stop. 

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Re: Isn't it surprising the amount of "views" on posts?!

@MalteseMomma    you're no dummy. This is just something you never focused on. The number of views supposedly means the number of times someone has read what you posted. Not significant at all.

"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."