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Is there a prize for being the first person to report on a death, engagement, marriage, divorce etc... 

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Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Lol! There might as well be!

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Registered: ‎05-09-2016

There must be!

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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I don't know about a prize but it surely is a competition.  I had a co-worker who arose before dawn to read the obits in the morning paper.  She had to be the first to announce the death of someone we all knew, usually a retired former co-worker.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎01-27-2014 Why might one think this? Odd.....

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not to my knowledge?

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It's important to post it before we all read it on yahoo news!

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The mods send a congratulatory email.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Is there a prize...

[ Edited ]


Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Registered: ‎06-15-2018

Only in the competitor's mind.  Sad way to get attention.