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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

@Pearlee wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@jubilant wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I know I'll be kicked for this but my "gray" is a shiny silver and I've received compliments for the color.  Not all of my hair is silver all over some natural color still remains but I've become content with it.  I've done the high/low highlights to blend a bit and it looked nice but I can't justify the expense anymore.


So yes, I may be bragging a bit but I'm content with my choice; those who do not want gray can do as they please.

**********  You're not bragging, Cakers, just telling the truth.  I am glad you mentioned the expense.  I am getting to the point where I want that money to go elsewhere.  Some of these prices I just can't justify.


Thank you - I find it interesting that "gray hair ages you".  LOL  Well, unless one has premature gray/white then - duh.  Most of us start graying in general in certain decades.


To color or not to color - a useless pov.  You can dye your hair until you are 100 years old but the fact remains you will still be 100 years old. 


Why are some so obsessed with age and hair color? If it makes you feel good, fine.

If you are doing to to pass for "younger" then you have more issues than the color of your hair.

@Cakers3   I certainly hope you aren't implying I'm "obsessed with hair color" just because I posted this discussion question.   I'm thinking about at what point I would stop coloring my hair - that's all, just a topic to chew over, not obsess over. I think a lot of people don't know when coloring their hair starts making their face look incongruous to the hair color, as I posted a while back on this thead.   People often aren't objective about their looks.  


But geez, what some people read into things that just aren't there.  Obsess about hair?  I've not seen that on this thread. If you want to start a thead about obsessing over age and hair, be my guest.




@Pearlee  Good grief no need to take this on such a personal level.  Unless I name you my posts are not all about you.


Yeesh!  LOL

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@jubilant wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I know I'll be kicked for this but my "gray" is a shiny silver and I've received compliments for the color.  Not all of my hair is silver all over some natural color still remains but I've become content with it.  I've done the high/low highlights to blend a bit and it looked nice but I can't justify the expense anymore.


So yes, I may be bragging a bit but I'm content with my choice; those who do not want gray can do as they please.

**********  You're not bragging, Cakers, just telling the truth.  I am glad you mentioned the expense.  I am getting to the point where I want that money to go elsewhere.  Some of these prices I just can't justify.


Thank you - I find it interesting that "gray hair ages you".  LOL  Well, unless one has premature gray/white then - duh.  Most of us start graying in general in certain decades.


To color or not to color - a useless pov.  You can dye your hair until you are 100 years old but the fact remains you will still be 100 years old. 


Why are some so obsessed with age and hair color? If it makes you feel good, fine.

If you are doing to to pass for "younger" then you have more issues than the color of your hair.

@Cakers3   I certainly hope you aren't implying I'm "obsessed with hair color" just because I posted this discussion question.   I'm thinking about at what point I would stop coloring my hair - that's all, just a topic to chew over, not obsess over. I think a lot of people don't know when coloring their hair starts making their face look incongruous to the hair color, as I posted a while back on this thead.   People often aren't objective about their looks.  


But geez, what some people read into things that just aren't there.  Obsess about hair?  I've not seen that on this thread. If you want to start a thead about obsessing over age and hair, be my guest.




@Pearlee  Good grief no need to take this on such a personal level.  Unless I name you my posts are not all about you.


Yeesh!  LOL

@Cakers3  Nevertheless, despite your jab at me, you are  reading things into this thread that just aren't there, or why even make that remark about obsessing over hair?  Looking forward to seeing your new thread... Smiley Happy

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

@KALLIE wrote:

@culebra wrote:

Unless you have a beautiful color of gray which are few and far between, I would either go blond or dye your a hair.  Gray hair is generally quite aging.

It definitely is but most won't admit it. One poster said it makes her look 10 years younger! Woman LOL



LOLOL! Pitiful try. You know very well I said nothing like that.  Bwahaha!

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

Are we gray?

Are we brown?

Are we chestnut?

Maybe, white?


Are we curly?

Are we straight?

Can't go wrong

We're ALL right! Smiley Wink


Been struggling for two and a half years to keep mommy in her own home but recently had no choice.  She's now in a facility, hating it and breaking my heart day in and day out.  My sibs and I visit daily, alternating, but I find myself here almost daily.  Called over tonight cause mommy is asking for daddy, who died 30 years ago. Can I tell you about heartbreak?


Ma was never been into makeup or primping.  BUT hair color and perms were MANDATORY in her world.  As a teen, I told her the tight perms were NOT flattering, and she was APPALLED at my lack of taste!  Lol.


Anyway, even today, in the midst of pain, confusion, fear and loneliness, ma takes advantage of the on-site salon.  A soothing shampoo, trim, and color make her SO happy. 


I'm thankful for those little moments of relief and joy, you know?  Take care, everybody!  xxox

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

[ Edited ]

@Joey Heatherton wrote:

I am amused!  Smiley Happy  I will also consider saving a few bucks on deodorant, hair color,  shampoo and clean panties!! LOL!


Seriously, 60+ doesn't equal dead/dirty/depressed/desolate.  I'm thinking that those of us who always loved makeup and beautifying, etc, aren't going to give that up because of our age.  Others, who barely washed their faces when younger, will not change either.


Whatever works, whatever makes you happy, do it!  No apologies or excuses.  Smiley Happy


I completely agree!


I don't understand this whole "should" thing just because someone is older.  We all should just do what we want.  I've been coloring my hair for a long time, and intend to continue.  Maybe one day I'll decide to go grey, or maybe I won't.  Maybe I'll try that and then go back.  I don't think anyone else cares what I do, just as I don't care what anyone else does!  It's not about fooling people.  It's about feeling good.


I've never once looked at an older brunette or blonde woman and thought, "Oh, her hair really should be grey".

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

[ Edited ]

NYC Susan wrote:

@NYC Susan  I don't understand this whole "should" thing just because someone is older.  We all should just do what we want.


Then I will explain it yet one more time, even though it's been posted several times already on this thread, and the "do whatever makes you happy" idea has been posted numerous times.


This is one of my posts above -  that's the best explanation I can give. Perhaps you haven't read the entire thread: When hair looks very faike and doesn't "match" up a person's face and age any more then - yes - I think a person "should" either go gray or dye their hair a color that matches their face much better so their hair looks natural.  Yes, "should" and I think in the end they'll be happier.


Pearley wrote:

@SuzieGarnet  I agree with you. I have gone lighter as I've aged.  I know a few women whose hair, I think, looks horrible for them because they are older than I am (in their 70s) and although very attractive, their face definitely looks like they are in their 70s and they both have jet black hair that I think looks very fake  - very obviously dyed, not natural. It's just too dark and not only do I think it looks fake, I think it ages them because it doesn't "match up" with their faces.  Funny too because otherwise they are perfectly made up and dressed to the 9s very stylishly. When I see them, I always think their hair ruins their looks.  I'm not saying they should go gray, just not the jet black!


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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

@Moonchilde wrote:

@KALLIE wrote:

@culebra wrote:

Unless you have a beautiful color of gray which are few and far between, I would either go blond or dye your a hair.  Gray hair is generally quite aging.

It definitely is but most won't admit it. One poster said it makes her look 10 years younger! Woman LOL



LOLOL! Pitiful try. You know very well I said nothing like that.  Bwahaha!

Your post #139.

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

@KALLIE wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@KALLIE wrote:

@culebra wrote:

Unless you have a beautiful color of gray which are few and far between, I would either go blond or dye your a hair.  Gray hair is generally quite aging.

It definitely is but most won't admit it. One poster said it makes her look 10 years younger! Woman LOL



LOLOL! Pitiful try. You know very well I said nothing like that.  Bwahaha!

Your post #139.

That is not what she said at all in post 139 - or anywhere else.

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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?

@151949 wrote:

@KALLIE wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@KALLIE wrote:

@culebra wrote:

Unless you have a beautiful color of gray which are few and far between, I would either go blond or dye your a hair.  Gray hair is generally quite aging.

It definitely is but most won't admit it. One poster said it makes her look 10 years younger! Woman LOL



LOLOL! Pitiful try. You know very well I said nothing like that.  Bwahaha!

Your post #139.

That is not what she said at all in post 139 - or anywhere else.



"My hair has been white for 15+ years and I am consistently believed and guessed by those who know me only casually, or strangers, to be at least 10 years younger than I am" Post #139


while she may not have meant that her white hair is what makes her look 15 years younger, the fact that her sentence ran on and did not stop after saying she had white hair makes the reader think she is in fact equating her hair with looking younger. But I believe what she meant to say was, she is consistently guessed to be at least 15 years younger than her age, AND, her hair is white (therefore inferring that having her white hair does not make her look older). 

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.
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Re: Is There An Age After Which Women Should Just Go With Their Gray Hair?