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@Winkk wrote:

I'm rather annoyed with some two of my nieces and one nephew.  I don't see them very often but I do try to stay in touch.  Earlier this year I emailed one niece who lives in CA just to see how she was doing - no response.


A few months later I email my nephew to give him some information about a childhood friend who passed away - no response.


Yesterday I email another niece to check the status of her sister who is moving home and is driving across country - no response.


Am I getting no response because people don't read emails anymore?  Is everything text now?  If that is the case I guess I'll never hear from them because I still have a flip phone (which is really hard to text on) and I'm not upgrading because I like my flip phone.  It's just frustrating.



No, email isn't outdated.


I think the primary reason is that most young people have really poor communication skills!   You can send them an email, they read it, and don't realize a response is expected!


Or .....   for most of them, texting is their main way of communicating.


Last year I sent my 15 year old niece an email ... no reply.   So, a week later, I re-sent the email.   No reply.   So, I sent her a text that said "Check your email !!!".    lol

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Yes it is.  My son told me I'm the only one who emails him.  If you go on Facebook you will see that they can converse with each other there just like email.  I think that's where you will find your nieces and nephews IMO.

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I think they have time for what they want to have time for....ever see how fast these kids type on their phones? If they can update FB with on snapchat and runaround looking for Pokemon...they have enough time for an answer to an email or text.....


I'm sorry..I feel like @Mominohio.....quit making excuses..

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To me, even email is a "new-fangled" invention!😀  I'd still rather write a real letter and send it through the (snail) mail, or telephone.  But email is how my sisters and I communicate mostly these days.


However, when I do receive email responses from a couple of nieces, their first line is usually something like,"Sorry I took so long to write back, but I don't check my email very often."  So maybe they, in their own gentle way, are trying to tell their old auntie that if she wants to talk to them, she needs to do so via a different method!

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Re: Is Email Outdated?

[ Edited ]

@walker wrote:

winkk, I understand your frustration with this situation.  I have had the same thing happen.  If I take the time to think of someone and send message, why can't he/she take 3 seconds to hit reply and say thanks or something!  An acknowledgement would be nice.  But, we live in a different age.....we are losing social skills.  I find I am left out because of Facebook......"everyone" chats there.....well, not "everyone" is on Facebook......Twitter, Tweet, etc.  Oh well, guess it comes down to....communicate as you would but you may have to specifically add "would love to hear back from you when you have time".

I do not twitter,tweet or ect. BUT I do use FB and I am in constant communication with so many or dare I say,  "all"  of my loved Nieces and Nephews  I love it  Smiley Wink  many  would never know me if not for FB  <3    I feel so loved  <3

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@Kitlynn wrote:

Texting is what the most popular thing is to keep in touch these days and a lot of people only check emails every so often unless it is work related. I say what is wrong with old fashion pick up the phone and give someone a call. I think we have gotten away from the personl contact when staying in touch with family and friends. I would call them and see if you get an answer that way. Maybe the shock of the sound of a phone ringing will get you a response! LOL



I would not bet on that. Many people see who is calling and do not answer their phone. Many people also see who texted and don't respond. If I don't get *any* response in 24 hrs, even a short acknowledgment of a text, I understand how important (or not) I am to that person. Short of a medical emergency IMO there is no excuse for not responding to a text with even just a happy or frowny face so you know they received it.


Emails are different. I do think emails are now the province of the middle-aged and up. They require more time and more thought. Many people don't have the time to respond to a bunch of emails. Yours is likely not the only one they get.

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Re: Is Email Outdated?

[ Edited ]

@Winkk wrote:

I'm rather annoyed with two of my nieces and one nephew.  I don't see them very often but I do try to stay in touch.  Earlier this year I emailed one niece who lives in CA just to see how she was doing - no response.


A few months later I email my nephew to give him some information about a childhood friend who passed away - no response.


Yesterday I email another niece to check the status of her sister who is moving home and is driving across country - no response.


Am I getting no response because people don't read emails anymore?  Is everything text now?  If that is the case I guess I'll never hear from them because I still have a flip phone (which is really hard to text on) and I'm not upgrading because I like my flip phone.  It's just frustrating.

It's not outdated, but you don't know how often they check that particular account.  Next time I would text or use FaceBook Instant Messenger.

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Yes, email is outdated.  Short communication is in.

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Re: Is Email Outdated?

[ Edited ]

I don't text, like another poster I have a LG flip phone (still love it, just put five dollars worth of minutes on it for sixty days - obviously use it very, very little.)   I email my  daughter, son/DIL and granddaughter and they send me pictures, etc.


As someone else said, thesedays most people into the mobile communication lifestyle have their devices on nonstop and can receive immediate notification of an email or a texxt.  If someone wanted to reply to another party, they would.


My boss said that texting is the way of saying I don't really want to talk to you on the phone, with a text I can just stop typing when I feel like it and not respond if I don't want to.   I told her that is why I email or call her Smiley Very Happy  ( We are friends outside of the office.)


ETA, obviously business email is not outdated - I open at least fifty a day.




I am not on FB yet manage to stay in touch with anybody I care about and know all I care to know about family and friends.  My son does pass along FB messages from extended relatvies that he visits with on there - I always say - Tell them I said hi !