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I would buy a solid gold bangle and have the inside engraved with a saying he used to say or simply just Dad. 

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@Alison Wonderland wrote:

@cherry wrote:

@Marceil   I would just tuck it away ,until you see the right thing. You will know it when you do

I think this is good advice.


You can hold onto it and when sometimes comes up, an opportunity to take a vacation you wanted, a concert or show you wouldn't normally spend money on, or a piece of jewelry you like.


Sometimes waiting brings exactly the thing into our lives.


My husband always puts his Christmas money gifts in a special compartment in his wallet. And then throughout the year, if he sees something special that he ordinarily might pass on. He can buy it with his Christmas money.


That way it is something he really wants.

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@MarceilYou gotta be kidding.  You gotta ask others what you should buy?  Buy whatever YOU want.  Treat yourself!!

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Re: Inheritance help

[ Edited ]

I love this idea!  This might be it.  Thank you qvcfreak.

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Re: Inheritance help

[ Edited ]

I don't think your parents gave you the money because you helped them, but because they loved you. I hope your kind acts toward them was out of love as well. 

How you spend it is entirely up to you,  I personally would take a trip, possibly a cruise. Or is their a cosmetic procedure you would enjoy splurging on? I also love the gold bracelet idea with the engraving.


I sm very sorry for your loss.  You can take comfort in knowing you lovingly cared for your parents. 

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I am sorry for your loss.


After my DF passed, I did the same thing.  I bought a vintage (meaning not new) heavy gold Sonia Bitton diamond pave ring, so that I could look down and see it on my finger and think of DF.


I bought the older one, because I tend to be hard on jewelry, and this one was/is very sturdy. 

Do the math.
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@Marceil wrote:

I love this idea!  This might be it.  Thank you qvcfreak.

I'm glad I could help. Happy hunting for that perfect bracelet and wear it in good health. 

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Re: Inheritance help

[ Edited ]

I inherited money from my father years ago.  Dad died unexpectedly and I had been out looking at new cars about 6 months before he died.  I put a large down payment on a new car and invested the rest.  

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This thread reminds me of a thread started by poster Anonymous 032819 regarding money left to her after her father's passing.  I wonder if she was able to afford a more pleasing residence.