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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

Funny, my daughter and I were just talking about this today...her and I are more indoor people..we hate bugs, snakes, gardening, yard work, heat, humidity, allergies, sweating off your makeup....having said that, I love cool, dry, fall days with the beautiful foliage, taking a hike or a walk, biking, strolling on the beach at sunrise (but no sun bathing), having coffee on a deck that over looks the ocean etc.   so maybe a little of both😊

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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

Indoor but I do love the beach. I especially love to snorkel and hunt for beach treasure. I like to walk outdoors even though I have a treadmill. But you'll find me mostly inside on the couch reading, watching tv, crocheting or knitting or chasing my dogs around the house. 

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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

@FlowerBear I really don't know anyone who likes bugs and bug bites, but I do know people that enjoy hiking, fishing, and biking, but I just never did.  I did grow up riding horses, and loved that.


I do enjoy beautiful scenery but can't stand being hours on a road to get to the scenery, and I don't like sports.  I can't stand the drone of announcers voices.  If I had to watch any sport, it would be basketball.


I detest yard work but enjoy a beautiful yard.


I do like to be on the deck to read.

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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

[ Edited ]

I can't take the heat, either...and I'm very fair skinned and burn easily.  Hate gooping on sunscreen then sweating it off!  Already had a skin cancer removed once, so I'm very careful.


Just ordered a long sleeve shirt with UV protection I thought I would wear on walks on cooler days, along with a sun hat and sunglasses.  

Can't wait for the gym to reopen...its air conditioned!

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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

Outdoors when there are things to be done, indoors the rest of the time. Fortunately I have no issues that limit my time in either place. 

Keepin' it real.
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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

[ Edited ]

How great to read posts that in a way vindicate me - I have always preferred being indoors and have always taken a lot of heat (no pun intended!) for feeling that way.  


I don't mean to minimize what some people have gone through, with the current shelter-in-place edict, but staying home has not been a burden at all.


The fall and winter though are my favorite seasons and taking long walks during cool days are  things I look forward to doing.  And then back home for a good cup of coffee.




Ever since I retired, days at home with my books are my idea of a good time.

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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

I am a mix. I too hate humidty and bugs (very over-reactive to bug bites) But, I love to flower garden and would rather work outside than inside cleaning any day. I was always an outdoor person until the bug bite and heat intolerance happened. 

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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

[ Edited ]

I'm not sure we really have a choice these days... but I tend to be more of an indoor person. I used to live on the terrace and probably would still spend a good bit more time out there than I do were it screened-in. I also used to like to take long walks in the woods but that seems like a long time ago, when I was living in an environment more conducive to doing so and was also a good bit younger and more agile.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person


It sounds like you might sunburn me.



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Re: Indoors or Outdoors Person

I prefer being indoors although DH is an avid outdoorsman. I'm doing things now that I had never done before, thanks to him, like fishing, which I've discovered I actually enjoy. It's not something I would do on my own, though. Totally prefer to be in the comfort of my home with my two indoor kitties.