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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

[ Edited ]

There will always be people who aren't going to listen to evacuate. 


I never heard whole cities were going to be wiped off the face of the earth.

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@Bri36 wrote:

Is the OP disappointed it wasn't worse?















No! Not at all!



In fact, just the opposite!





I'm GLAD that it wasn't worse!






But, this storm was so hyped as being apocalyptic, that there was going to be wide-spread catastrophic damages, whole cities were going to be wiped off the face of the earth.





When that didn't happen, (Which I am HAPPY that it didn't), the next time that there is a huge, monstrous, cat 5 storm, people will not listen to the advice/orders to evacuate, because the authorities were "wrong" about how bad Irma was going to be.








@Plaid Pants2  There always will be people who think that they know better than a professional meteorogist, whether they have experienced hurricanes or have not experienced hurricanes.


I don't recall hearing whole cities would be wiped off the face of Florida; even places like Baruda were not forecasted for 95% devastation until it was happening.


I get your point but we are just projecting into the future with this and right now my focus is on the current situation.

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

Personally I would rather be warned and nothing happen then having the warning withheld until everyone is certain... not that it would work anyway.  That gives everyone an early option.  


I have family and many friends in Florida.  My daughter scrambled to get out after her flight or tickets were cancelled.  She did get out but planning takes time. ... three kids, one husband and a small dog.  Safe and sound now because of frantic warnings.  


Other friends were north and central and they are okay but did not expect the path.  Had they been warned early they would have had more options.  


My rant or problem is with the newsmedia that stands there in the wind and rain and shows us the situation behind them.  They are puting their life at risk.. news crew as well and I think it is not necessary. Safety should be the first priority.  Not ratings.  

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

Late yesterday afternoon Irma was Cat 4 and pummelling Naples.  

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

[ Edited ]

I understand what the OP means.  I live in Ohio so obviously not anywhere close to the affected areas.  Our local news did practically nothing else but broadcast the hurricane and what was going to happen.  You would have thought it was going to hit us here the way they were reporting.


There was non-stop coverage on all the major news channels and the Weather Channel.  There were multiple threads on this board everytime there was some type of change and some didn't want to hear the idea that there was a chance Irma might be downgraded and not do the damage predicted.


To listen to many of the forecasters, you would have thought that the entire state of Florida was going to be gone or not livable for months and months to come.  Thank goodness their predictions didn't come to fruition but I've seen this happen before.  When dire predictions turn out to be false, the next time something happens people aren't so quick to heed the warnings. 


However, IMO they are better off to over-hype something then under-hype it.  If something is worse then they predict, the outcome will be much worse.         

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I understand what the OP means.  I live in Ohio so obviously not anywhere close to the affected areas.  Our local news did practically nothing else but broadcast the hurricane and what was going to happen.  You would have thought it was going to hit us here the way they were reporting.


There was non-stop coverage on all the major news channels and the Weather Channel.  There were multiple threads on this board everytime there was some type of change and some didn't want to hear the idea that there was a chance Irma might be downgraded and not do the damage predicted.


To listen to many of the forecasters, you would have thought that the entire state of Florida was going to be gone or not livable for months and months to come.  Thank goodness their predictions didn't come to fruition but I've seen this happen before.  When dire predictions turn out to be false, the next time something happens people aren't so quick to heed the warnings.      








Yes! That's exactly what I am saying!




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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

If I were out of electricity for a week, that alone would be catastropic for me.

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

Have you seen videos of the flooding and devastation in Naples and Jacksonville?  The rescues going on for those in 120 homes who didn't know what was coming?  


Hurricanes have a path of their own and are not 100% predictable.

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

Until you are in the path, you really don't know what you would do.   Many homes in FL can withstand a hurricane.


But there's more to a hurricane than just the wind.   You could have flooding, power outage.   Like another poster mentioned, some peoples lives are complicated - jobs, kids, pets.


Evacuating is no fun either.    Makes you think you are safe but you are on the road for hours, vulnerable to almost anything.    MIxed in with people you don't know, don't know their intentions. (Bored looters?)  The young & the elderly are susceptible to respiratory disease in shelters.   It's a difficult situation.   And every person has to make up their own mind based on their own situation and it's rude as hell to call them stupid or foolish.

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Re: In the Future, When There is A Dangerous Cat 5 Storm...

We were warned for years this would happen.  Global warming is real, climate change is real.  It's time to start planning for the changes before it's too late, it's about science and reality.