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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

My son was taught how to cook, clean, garden, preserve food etc. He is capable of keeping a top notch house. My gut tells me that at this point in his life (20 years old) he won't do it. I expect that as he matures, he will want to live in the same kind of clean and organized environment in which he was raised, so I hope he will.


My husband on the other hand, is capable of doing (and did back in the day when I worked and the kiddo was little) housework to an adequate level. He just hasn't done it in decades since I've been at home, and because he was raised in a much different environment than our home is kept (lets just say it nicely that way) I think that without my expectations and prodding, he might revert back and live in a junkyard!

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

@Nomorebirthdays wrote:

Would they wash sheets, scrub garbage cans, the shower as you do.

Mine would not, he would wash his clothes and dishes. The rest would be left go for months.


I haven't read the replies but gosh both of mine would too!


My son is 28 and he was home over New Years to see some old friends.  Somehow we got onto the topic of laundry (He has a washer & dryer in a house he rents with 2 other guys in Philly) and he actually said that most guys in his opinion would leave the sheets for months!!  Why?!!  He said it's just not something on his radar.  


I think it's disgusting and clean sheets feel wonderful!  It just lazyiness but he's not lazy in other areas...I don't understand it.

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

@Nomorebirthdays wrote:

Would they wash sheets, scrub garbage cans, the shower as you do.

Mine would not, he would wash his clothes and dishes. The rest would be left go for months.


I think mine would become feral.

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

LMAO!!! Are you kidding me?!  They have NO PROBLEM living in their own filth. Being real honest....


this is what I hear from every woman I know with men in the house. My theory is that in their teens, mom simply closes the door and informs them that they will do their own laundry, clean their room, clean their own bathroom (if they have one).  They choose not to so... that's how it begins.


At least, that's what has happened in my house. Plus, they learn from each other and their male role model, so.......  yeah. And the cycle continues.


Of course, this is not how it is for everyone. This is simply what I see, know in my circle and have experience/am experiencing. Your mileage will vary.

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

For a parent not to teach their young how to survive by just preparing a meal, does them a disservice. I worked outside the home and appreciated my son's help with dinner. He got to eat dinner sooner too by doing that. Made him happy. Some jobs I was on the shift when just he and his dad batched it, so they learned a few things too. It all worked out good.

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

Married 40 years ago, and DH STILL thinks that the pixies come after we go to bed at night and clean the kitchen.


He CAN do ANYTHING, but his approach to cleaning the kitchen simply does  NOT merge with MINE!

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

My husband retired recently, years before I plan to retire. He has assumed all of the laundry responsibilities, makes the bed, changes the sheets, runs errands and is more than happy to grocery shop when I "let" him. I love grocery shopping and I'm reluctant to give up that job, though he's good at it.
He has physical limitations now that prevent him from other housework so he'd need help with that. I've already suggested who he should marry if I pass suddenly, but he doesn't like my choices, lol. I hope, whoever she is, she's strong and likes housework!
~ house cat ~
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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

If I were to disappear, The house would probably be in better shape because he'd hire house cleaners. Scrubbing the garbage pail............I don't think so! I may wipe down the lid from time to time and spray the inside with Lysol but that's about it. Guess I'd be considered a slob by some............oh well! LOL

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

My DH tells everyone he has a magic closet and dresser..his clean clothes just appear...


In all fairness...when I leave for a couple weeks to go back east to visit he makes sure the dishes are done and the house is clean before I get back..


I do have to leave him instructions how to use the dishwasher and washer and dryer..they are on my computer and I just print them out and tape them to the appliances every

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Re: If your husband, sons, SO is left alone

The cleaning lady comes once a week whether I am there or not. Give your son every opportunity to do well in school so they can afford their own cleaning service when they move out. My advice: don't marry a man who cannot afford to hire help around the house.