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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

@Lila Belle wrote:


Do you agree or disagee that busy people get more done?

100% agree. It is all about time management, which some people excel at.


 I can think of countless examples at work over the years of efficient people vs. nonefficient people, and it all comes down to disposition.  I can almost predict who will get a task done and who will not.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

Not necessarily.  It depends on if the busy woman wants to do it.  

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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

Where I live almost everyone is retired. I see all the time that those who are do-ers will do well at almost any task - always be the first to volunteer and then will do the task they volunteered to do well and can totally depended upon. It's always the same people. The do nothing people never raise their hand, and will often stand on the sideline critizing the doers.

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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

Most successful people are efficient with their time and are able to delegate certain tasks.  Nobody can do it all - men or women.  

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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

Someone has to be busy, yes, but efficient and organized as well.


We all know that person who is so constantly busy, running in circles like a chicken with their head cut off, finishing nothing and leaving a trail of disaster in their wake. They are busy, indeed, but accomplishing little.


But I would say that in general, people who are busy are generally ones who can and  will get something done. I think it becomes a way of life, when one is busy. Kind of like a body in motion stays in motion, a body at rest stays at rest.


I know when I'm busy I get much more done, and feel like I can take on more, because I'm moving, accomplishing, and seeing results. At times in my life when I have little on my plate, I find myself dragging things out, avoiding taking on other things and in general not as efficient as I know I can be.

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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.


“I can bring home the bacon,

Fry it up in a pan,

And never let you forget you’re a man!

“I can work ’til five o’clock,

Come home and read Tickety-Tock

And if its lovin’ you want

I can kiss you and give you the shivers…”




"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

When someone is as busy as the OP described someone in that family will suffer. No doubt about it.
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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

And then there are those who just do it but don't feel the need to brag about it to others.
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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

   I have seen it go both ways.  Some women are natural do-ers and organizers, and others just have a need to be needed.

   I have known a woman who could seemingly accomplish any-and-every thing while doing it quietly and making it look easy and natural. She had six children, they were always neatly dressed and well behaved.  Her home was clean and orderly and she served on a multitude of committees. Kathy was willing and able to do more.  In contrast, I recall a woman who had a gift for mentally cataloging other person's abilities.  She would use those people, flitting from one committee meeting to another, all the while delegating tasks and responsibility, sitting back while the work got done then afterwards accept accolades with feigned humility.

   Then there are the women who have overloaded their plates so much that they cannot keep up with even themselves.  That brings to mind one woman I knew who had a doctorate in music, was on every committee her field held in two states, usually as chairwoman.  She seemed to think "busy" equaled "important."  Her planner (remember those?) was a foot thick and had loose pages falling out in every direction. She was so overwhelmed she couldn't manage to get her hair combed half the time, remember her kids' birthdays or get to work on time.  I think she missed every deadline she was ever given, but she did it with the excuse, "I've been so busy."

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Re: If you want something done ask a busy woman.

Busy doesn't mean EFFECTIVE.

I grew up in the Multitasking Generation.

People qualified themselves by how full their Dayplanner was. retirement, if you call those same people,

they answer the phone in a breathy "hello" like they're running around

and the 1st thing they say is how busy they are. 


Even though I believe in the 'body in motion stays in motion'

and 'we all have the same 24 hours" frame of thought,

I'm not buying the fact busier people are more effective.


My generation has to get over that thought 

It's literally, not just figuratively, making us sick...shaving years off lives.


