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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

Irshgrl, we basically gave up drinking too- seems that is a trigger to smoke a little more.. I know it is for my husband and I.. I can't speak for others.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

On 3/10/2014 Suzie said:

Ever seen anyone unhook their oxygen to smoke? Not a pretty sight and so bad that nicotine has such a hold on them.

Yes I have...:-( uncle smoked until he went into his grave....I feared he owuld blow himself up with his oxygen tank and cigarettes.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

Who needs cigarettes when one lives in a state with legalized recreational pot?

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

i have not seen a question yet that has been asked where people have guns to their heads to make them reply.

if you find it too personal - don't answer. problem solved.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

On 3/10/2014 straykatz said:
On 3/10/2014 Suzie said:

Ever seen anyone unhook their oxygen to smoke? Not a pretty sight and so bad that nicotine has such a hold on them.

Yes I have...:-( uncle smoked until he went into his grave....I feared he owuld blow himself up with his oxygen tank and cigarettes.

Oh stray, I am so sorry.. My FIL (has since passed away) smoked in the ambulance right after his first heart attack.. in the ambulance! That was allowed and shame on the medics but they probably couldn't do anything.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

On 3/10/2014 Suzie said:

Irshgrl, we basically gave up drinking too- seems that is a trigger to smoke a little more.. I know it is for my husband and I.. I can't speak for others.

It does for a lot of people. I have a lot of friends that don't consider themselves smokers but every time I see them drink they need a little cig. I certainly don't judge and don't care as long as they do it on my deck. I just take issue with the "nonsmokers" who talk about how awful smokers are yet they are the first ones to seek them out and bum cigarettes.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

On 3/10/2014 Irshgrl31201 said:
On 3/10/2014 Suzie said:

Irshgrl, we basically gave up drinking too- seems that is a trigger to smoke a little more.. I know it is for my husband and I.. I can't speak for others.

It does for a lot of people. I have a lot of friends that don't consider themselves smokers but every time I see them drink they need a little cig. I certainly don't judge and don't care as long as they do it on my deck. I just take issue with the "nonsmokers" who talk about how awful smokers are yet they are the first ones to seek them out and bum cigarettes.

Alcohol and cigs just go hand in hand to some. I've seen acquaintances do the very same thing- I'd say thought you quit- they'd say I did, I still smoke one or two.. to me that isn't quitting but then who am I to judge.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

I've never smoked, but have lost family members who did.

Dad smoked, but quit one day and never started again. He did not die of cancer.

Mom never quit and she died from lung cancer.

Brother quit but died from emphysema several years after he quit.

Ex-husband quit, but 20 years later died from lung cancer.

Even if one quits, it looks like cancer will still catch up to them.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

For me it was my coffee with cigarettes. I drank too much coffee when I smoked .
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

I had a friend that only smoked when she went out and drank. Never any other time. That was weird to me. My father only smoked for his two weeks of vacation each year. A good friend was allowed to do this, too. By his wife. LOL Dad never drank and the friend didn't either....maybe this was their "special vacation addiction".

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."