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If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

I'd be most comfortable in Walton's Mountain. 


How about you?  What show would you be in?  Woman Wink

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

[ Edited ]

The "Designing Women" show....Julia Sugarbaker's famous "THE NIGHT THE LIGHTS WENT OUT IN GEORGIA" speech.  That's me to a

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

@shell garden wrote:

The "Designing Women" show....Julia Sugarbaker's famous "THE NIGHTS WENT OUT IN GEORGIA" speech.  That's me to a

I always liked her.  She layed it right on the line!  I like that.  

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

@qualitygal wrote:

I'd be most comfortable in Walton's Mountain. 


How about you?  What show would you be in?  Woman Wink

QualityGal:  I looooooooooooved the Waltons!  I would never miss that show and yes, I would have loved to have been part of that family.

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

Coollllllllllllllllllllll  @lovesallanimals

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

@qualitygal wrote:

@shell garden wrote:

The "Designing Women" show....Julia Sugarbaker's famous "THE NIGHTS WENT OUT IN GEORGIA" speech.  That's me to a

I always liked her.  She layed it right on the line!  I like that.  

@qualitygal.....that's me to a tee.  (edited above to say, The Night the Lights went out in Georgia)....I'm southern, born and raised in Georgia and if anyone, anytime hurts someone's feelings that I love, well...just saying you better hold on to your britches cause this witch's wind will BLOW YOU DOWN, lol.

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?


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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

Something with a happy dog

or Flipper!Woman LOL

Image result for Flipper

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

Gunsmoke (:

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Re: If you had to be yourself and a character in a t.v. show, which show would you be in?

@deepwaterdotter, I was a preteen when Maude came out so I didn't watch it but now I record two episodes every night on FETV.  I love it, so funny.