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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@Maudelynn wrote:

@this is my nic wrote:

And, we, the USA, have rolled out the welcome mat to 60,000 Syrian refugees, mostly, if not all are young men.  Obviously, at least some of them are sympathetic to terrorism, if not members of ISIS itself.  We have no way of checking the backgrounds of these individuals; they  will just move in and disappear.  Someday, in the future, we'll have an attack greater than what happened in Paris.  Why are we allowing this?

It makes no sense that the refugees, who are dying in overcrowded boats, seeing their children drown, who are RUNNING FROM Isis, would be sympathetic TO Isis.  Makes no sense at all.

I would imagine they are counting on that too..............I know I would if I wanted to harm a nation or people.........I would hide in full sight.........................raven

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@DiAnne wrote:

They keep talking about "soft targets".  I am surprised this hasn't happened more in smaller towns where they do not have the resources to track people - example high school football game, restaurants, fairs, etc. 

Don't give them ideas.  There has been so much information given via TV and movies to terrorists and others (murderers, home invaders w/guns, rapists, etc.) on how to commit their crimes.  Television, in particular, is full of it these days with entire networks devoted to it.  It should never have been broadcast and should all be stopped.  

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@hckynutjohn wrote:

Have said it since first american was beheaded by these terrorists. Fight them there or fight them here. Time for the one(s) in charge to wake up.






Yeah, we all know how well that philosophy worked out,now don't we. ISIS in Iraq grew out of the displaced Sunnis who were shut out of the Iran influenced newly placed Shiite government, all thanks to the ones in charge who invaded the country with no plan to rebuild or to exit. Internationally, these people exist in every country. It's not about going to one country, engaging in war, and then expecting it to be all taken care of. This requires all nations in the Western world to unite with a vast sophisticated network of intelligence and defeat on a case by case basis as intelligence reveals threats. Time for the hawks to come up with a different strategy than to send in ground troops to be sitting ducks. 

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

[ Edited ]

I think ,for those that feel the terrorist are not Muslim's,are wrong, they are ,radical but, denying the fact is not what is needed, no not all muslims are radical, but if you have looked into some of the beliefs, you can see  , this has been a problem ,for thousands of years. Look at .Israel, they have been fighting this forever.

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@raven-blackbird wrote:

@Maudelynn wrote:

@this is my nic wrote:

And, we, the USA, have rolled out the welcome mat to 60,000 Syrian refugees, mostly, if not all are young men.  Obviously, at least some of them are sympathetic to terrorism, if not members of ISIS itself.  We have no way of checking the backgrounds of these individuals; they  will just move in and disappear.  Someday, in the future, we'll have an attack greater than what happened in Paris.  Why are we allowing this?

It makes no sense that the refugees, who are dying in overcrowded boats, seeing their children drown, who are RUNNING FROM Isis, would be sympathetic TO Isis.  Makes no sense at all.

I would imagine they are counting on that too..............I know I would if I wanted to harm a nation or people.........I would hide in full sight.........................raven

I guess it's possible.  Doesn't mean we condemn an entire group of people because we're afraid of a possibility.

We turned a ship full of Jews away from our shores during Hitler's pogrom.  We made the ship go back, only to have the people on that ship slaughtered.  I hope we learn from our mistakes.

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@pas4116 wrote:

One has to wonder what drives these young men to commit mass murder, then suicide. John Kerry called this facisim. We can't defeat this evil simply by killing, as there will be more recruits to take up the cause.

I have visited Paris many times. My heart goes out to the residents of this wonderful city.

Je suis Parisienne.

All in the name of Allah.  A better place in heaven w/numerous virgins.  Years ago, GWB broadcast on television (after 911, I believe) that Islam was a religion of peace.  Apparently, he was misinformed.

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

I read a very thoughtful quote last night with regard to the refugees flooding Europe - we now know why they're running away - the horror that is Syria is visiting France.


Yes, to whomever  said most wars have been fought in the name of religion, it'sa well known fact.



Actually no most haven't. In the Encyclopedia of Wars, the documented history of recorded warfare out of 1,763 wars only 123 have been classified to involve a religous cause accounting for less than 7% of all wars. History does not support that relgion was the major cause of conflict instead it belongs to the need for territorial conquest, to control borders, secure trade routes, or internal challenge to politcal authority.

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@raven-blackbird wrote:

@Maudelynn wrote:

@this is my nic wrote:

And, we, the USA, have rolled out the welcome mat to 60,000 Syrian refugees, mostly, if not all are young men.  Obviously, at least some of them are sympathetic to terrorism, if not members of ISIS itself.  We have no way of checking the backgrounds of these individuals; they  will just move in and disappear.  Someday, in the future, we'll have an attack greater than what happened in Paris.  Why are we allowing this?

It makes no sense that the refugees, who are dying in overcrowded boats, seeing their children drown, who are RUNNING FROM Isis, would be sympathetic TO Isis.  Makes no sense at all.

I would imagine they are counting on that too..............I know I would if I wanted to harm a nation or people.........I would hide in full sight.........................raven

A terrorist would definitely watch his child drown all under the guise of a being a supposed *refugee*.


There hearts are made of stone.

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Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

@Maudelynn wrote:

@this is my nic wrote:

And, we, the USA, have rolled out the welcome mat to 60,000 Syrian refugees, mostly, if not all are young men.  Obviously, at least some of them are sympathetic to terrorism, if not members of ISIS itself.  We have no way of checking the backgrounds of these individuals; they  will just move in and disappear.  Someday, in the future, we'll have an attack greater than what happened in Paris.  Why are we allowing this?

It makes no sense that the refugees, who are dying in overcrowded boats, seeing their children drown, who are RUNNING FROM Isis, would be sympathetic TO Isis Makes no sense at all.


     Am sure that the biggest portion of the refuge group is against ISIS, but what an easy gateway for one or ten ISIS supporters who are trying to sneak into this country to harm us!!

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Registered: ‎05-08-2015

Re: ISIS taking "credit" for Paris attacks

I worry more about being harmed by my crazy neighbor with an arsenal of guns than I do about someone from Isis sneaking into the country with a group of refugees who have nothing and nowhere to call home.

We have 90 gun deaths a DAY in this country.  THAT'S a crisis.  Not the longshot that a "terrorist" might sneak in.

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