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Re: I'm being stalked!

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A group of pigeons (and some other birds) have been coming here for years. I give them water/food.

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I'm stalked by two kitties...but not for food, oh no! They want my LAP, and follow me around so they can jump up as soon as I sit down. My girl kitty will even come get me if I'm away from a chair too long!

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@JustJazzmom wrote:

I get black birds and chickadees in my backyard that must say when they see me -- all hail, the food giver, she's putting out more seeds and water for us! Woman LOL

I love seeing all the birds hanging out on tree limbs and wires and such when I fill the feeders.  They tweet and carry on and as I'm leaving I look around at them and say, "YOU'RE WELCOME!"



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Re: I'm being stalked!

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I'm often stalked by two little cuties whenever I walk into the kitchen!      They watch me verrry carefully.  


Frankly, I never realized that I was so darn fascinating!  lol

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Despite that it is illegal to feed wild animals here my next door neighbor started putting out seed when our community was adopted by a family of sandhill cranes. The baby cranes were so cute , and she is a lonely widow so I think they were nice company for her. Now they walk right up to us and nudge us for food, so I got some sunflower seeds to add to what my neighbor feeds them. Over the 2 years she has been putting out seed we have also been adopted by a whole lot of ducks. Many ducks! Right now we have several mommas and their broods following them around single file, and our sandhill couple and their 2 chicks we originally had have increased to 6 adults and their 3 children this year. We also have geckles, mocking birds, starlings and sparrows, but only the cranes follow us when we go outside. Oh yeah , I almost forgot - we have a tame blue herron too - comes right into the house if you aren't careful and chase him before you open the door. About a week ago I saw a man carrying him out the door - you have to look and be sure he isn't close before you open your door. He seems to have a hankering to live indoors.

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I love to feed the birds.  If Im late, they circle the house.  Sometime, they follow me to the mailbox.


One time, a police officer, who is a friend of my husband's, stopped to chat.  He noticed the birds hanging around and said "Who are they - Your body guards??!!!"

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@LyndaGee wrote:

I love to feed the birds.  If Im late, they circle the house.  Sometime, they follow me to the mailbox.


One time, a police officer, who is a friend of my husband's, stopped to chat.  He noticed the birds hanging around and said "Who are they - Your body guards??!!!"



Very cute ..... isn't it funny how many animals have a very precise internal clock?    They really know what time it is!   lol

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@truffle wrote:

Please never stop feeding those precious animals, Lila belle.  Maybe post pictures? I'd love that!

@truffle@Lila Belle


yeah, we need their mug shots so we can be on the lookout

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We enjoy feeding the birds year round, and are anxious for our hummers to return.   However, I won't feed squirrels.   


After my Papaw retired from the railroad, he was determined to befriend the ground squirrels and gray squirrels that played in his front yard every day.   Papaw spent the entire summer coaxing the squirrels to come on the front porch with him, where they would be treated to peanuts in the shell.   At first, the squirrels quickly grabbed their peanuts from the banister and ran off.   Then Papaw baited them to come closer and closer to him, and finally succeeded in getting the squirrels to take the peanuts from his hand, and even out of his shirt pocket.   Papaws greatest thrill was when the squirrels got comfortable enough to sit on his shoulder and eat their peanuts.   He trained several of the more timid ground squirrels to come to his open kitchen window---they would run in, grab a peanut off the kitchen table, and run away.   


Feeding the squirrels gave Papaw years of enjoyment.  My brothers and I thought we had the coolest Papaw ever, and visitors loved to sit on the porch and watch the squirrels come running when he whistled.   


Then Papaw died.   Feeding the squirrels had been Papaws hobby, not Mamaws, and in her grief, she didn't think about them on a daily basis.   She gave peanuts to the shy ground squirrels that came to the kitchen window, and she left peanuts in Papaws chair on the front porch, but the squirrels had grown accustomed to the whistle, and did not like the change in routine.  


Within in a few months after Papaw died, the problems started.   At first, Mamaw was finding wrapped food items left on the kitchen table, chewed up.   Then it was a chewed box inside the pantry, along with things turned over, or out of place.  Mamaw walked into the kitchen one morning and saw a ground squirrel on the table.  She'd just gotten out of bed; no windows or doors were open, but this little fella was in the house.   Then it escalated to far more frequent sightings of the squirrels in other areas of the house, and Mamaw finding more and more things chewed up.  The day she asked for help was the day she woke up to find 2 squirrels in her bedroom staring at her, and by that time the inside damage was considerable.   We found multiple nests filled with acorns both upstairs and downstairs, even inside a chest of drawers upstairs, as well as the brand new sleeper sofa in the living room, which had a huge hole chewed underneath a cushion and in the mattress.   Sheets and bath towels were destroyed.   The tablecloth on the dining room table was destroyed, as well as the lace curtains at the windows, which were shredded from the squirrels climbing on them.   There wasn't a room in that house the squirrels hadn't been in, and destroyed something.  


And at that point, we declared war and got rid of the squirrels.      





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@Lyttlewyng wrote:


My stalker lives under my cherry tree and scurries around the patio.
It took a while but after a few days, he and I became good friends.
He's back this spring!
