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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

@morning glory wrote:

During a blizzard we throught we were prepared because we had a snowmobile that was could use to get out if we needed something or needed help. The problem was the snow drifted so high in front of the garage door we couldn't get it out for days until we could get it dug out and then our truck was parked outside the garage door so we had to dig that out also to be able to use it. By the time we finally got it out the roads were cleared off. If you  have all that stuff in a shed just be sure you have a couple of good snow shovels so you can get to it in the winter during a big snow or a boat to get to it if it floods. Why isn't it stored in an attached garage or in a room of the house?








I live in an apartment. There are no "attached garages".


And where I live, it may "snow" for one day, every 20 years, but it melts as soon as it hits the ground.


We have never, ever had a single tornado. 



And experts advise to keep your survival supplies AWAY from your main dwelling, because in the event that an earthquake makes your home unlivable, due to damage and destruction, you still want to be able to get to your stash. 


That's why I keep it in my little storage shed, which each and every single apartment unit here has.


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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

I could probably handle an alien spaceship landing.    I've been thru "everything" in the various places I've lived.

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LOL, I'd love to be so prepared.

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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

@SerenityNowMyndi wrote:

I hear ya, @Melania.  Both myself & my dh are both in the medical field & first responder field, and when one of us is off work during a crisis, the other isn't.  I have been home with young children during hurricanes, while dh is off saving the world & risking his life for dummies who take foolish risks with their lives, endangering everyone who has to try to save those people.  Cranky is the right word, but we're proud of them for being so great, too.  Good luck w/the storm, & blessings to your loved ones who risk so much to help others!



Bless you and DH for what you do!


It's a bigger sacrifice than many realize, just to help your fellow man, some of who make dumb decisions that puts the rescuers in a lot of danger while trying to rescue them.


My DH was part of the Emergency Response Team with the Corps of Engineers.


When Katrina was looming and there was a chance of damage for us on it's way to NO, he went to NO and was there for a month before getting a break to come home for a week, then back he went.


I applaud you both!



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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

@KingstonsMom, to you & yours, as well!  We also were a part of the relief effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  Unless people go through something like that & see what it can be like even here in the States, they really live lives of delusions of grandeur that can be torn apart with a natural disaster very easily.  Everyone should have an emergency plan & a few supplies.  And not all natural disasters have lengthy forewarnings...we went through a 'land hurricane' without any clue that such things even exist, & were out of power for over a week.  What a mess that was!

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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

[ Edited ]

@Plaid Pants2


Please be careful of zombies!!


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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

I have never been in a snow storm.  Earthquake, small flood, yes.  Being without power, heat during a snow storm has to be painful.  Hoping you all are okay.  It is hard, and one gets through these things, but we want all of you to come through safe and sound!!

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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

@Mominohio wrote:

@151949 wrote:

Seriously - an endotracheal tube???? What on earth would you do with that? Do you even have a clue what it is? If you have really purchased all the stuff on that list someone has really taken you to the cleaners.


With all due respect, you being a nurse should not be chastising the storing of these type medical supplies.


Even if the person storing them doesn't know how to properly use them, they are available should someone who does have the training and experience to do so, be available during some type of medical crisis. 


We absolutely never know what kind of crisis situation we may end up in or where it might occur. These things could save OP's life, or the life of someone else when a knowledgeable person is available to help, but has no tools of the trade. 


I applaud OP for being so prepared.

I know how to use them but other than "lifting" them from the Hospital, where did you get them?

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Re: I'm Prepared For Snowstorm, Earthquake, Zombie Appocolypse......Whatever

@Plaid Pants2, great list, looks like you have the bases covered. I'm curious about what's included in the supply of food for a month. I knew a guy at work who kept a box of crackers, a few cans of soup and a spoon in a cabinet. We had a microwave but he didn't heat up the soup. He just popped open the lid and ate it straight out of the can.  Another question, what size is that bottle of whiskey you mentioned?  : )