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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

Oops, should have been 5 or 6 days not 56. Heat is baking my brain.

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

Your entire family seems pretty miserable. From your control freak sister to this spiteful cousin. Yikes!

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@GenXmuse  Sis is a control freak and she admits it but she has some really good qualities too. As I said I have 27 other cousins that are perfectly normal and fun.


This one cousin is a totally different bird.

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@JYWilliams wrote:

@CrazyKittyLvr2  I have a cousin that is a black cloud walking. She has nothing nice to say about anything or anybody. Every other word that comes out of her mouth is a cuss word. (no matter who's around or where she's at) Being around her kept me so up tight and in a bad mood that I had to cut her off and have never looked back.



" black cloud walking" Woman LOLWoman LOL Woman LOL I am going to remember this.

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@CrazyKittyLvr2wrote :My sister called earlier to see if I wanted to go with them to my cousin's for a small BBQ for the 4th.


I have two comments.


First - you should not be going because YOU were not invited.  The party is at your cousin's house.  Only she should be doing the inviting.  Your sister should not be inviting anyone to a party at anothers house.


Second - I find it funny that you are the person in the family with the "sunny disposition"  Positive vibes don't come out of your posts too often.  Woman Happy

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@Travone   #1.  My cousin asked my sister to see if I wanted to come. It would never occur to her to pick up the phone herself.


#2.  I never said I had a sunny dispostion.  I have no problem saying that I was a much different person when I was younger. I am too old to suffer fools. Even that being said I would never say the things to people that my cousin does.

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@Cakers3   It is not my nephew, it is DH's nephew.  


My objection to going is DH's one sister. She has her 2 favorite brothers and families.


When her brother had cancer she never called, stopped to see him. She lives out of town but visits one of her favorites 4 miles from us. Never came to see him, nothing. Never heard from her when he died.


Truthfully, I don't trust myself not to tell her off if she mentioned my DH. I wouldn't want to do that at someone else's party.

@CrazyKittyLvr2   Ok but his BBQ sounds like a lot of fun.  I'd go and just enjoy the time spent with those you like.  If he is having near 100 people then you should be ok.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.



If you are thrown with her, just say "I am NOT having that conversation here!".

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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@DrakesMomma wrote:

@luvmybeetle  - I finally figured out that she views me as competiton.  When I try to talk to my husband on how she makes me feel and how she treats me his response is "Leave her alone.  She's old."  And what about all the years she wasn't old.  He seems to think it is my fault.  Best thing I ever got from her was learning on how not to be a mother-in-law when it is my turn. 

@DrakesMomma   After 34 years your MIL is not going to change.  I agree with your husband.  


Your issue is with your husband, not the MIL.  If he says leave her alone, then let it be.  You are putting yourself in a battle that cannot be won.


34 years.  Let it go.  Viewing someone as a competitor goes both ways.


Good luck and be well.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: I'm On The XXXX List With My Family.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@CelticCrafter   You and me both. My limit is 2 and I'm good for a long time.


She told my sister she can tell she lost weight, she wrists are small.  Huh!.  I hate to break it to her I'm a good 1X and my wrists and ankles aren't big, but I still am.


She's nuts. She had a knee replacement 2 weeks ago and she called the Dr. after 56 days and demanded he take the staples out. They hurt.  He told her no. I guess dopey doesn't realize It is still going to hurt after the staples come out.



Wait ‘till they start pulling those staples out!    


Talk about hurt.

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