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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

On 5/27/2014 ~moxie~ said:
On 5/27/2014 focksie said:

It is a double-edged sword IMO. For all the good that technology has done, it is probably a big factor in childhood obesity, it has resulted in a new generation of self-absorbed kids and impersonal communication, and it has brought out the worst in some, compromising our personal security.

Technology has not made kids fat. It is the food processors who keep putting more and more sugar into processed food.

I don't see a generation of self absorbed kids, what happens today happened in the past and that was before our technology.

I said technology is "probably a big factor in childhood obesity". Kids are spending most, if not all of their time sitting in front of the tv or computer. Kids do not play outside anymore. Their physical activity now consists of pushing buttons. Of course sugar is another factor.

Self-absorption as in selfies, facebook (me,me,me), plugged into and staring at their phones when they walk down the street (and even crossing the street) so that they are oblivious to anyone and everything around them, emailing and texting instead of speaking to each other or writing a personal note.

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

I grew upon the 60's and 70's. We ate plenty of candy, hostess pies and cupcakes,Baskin and Robbins 31 flavors, Pizza and McDonald's. The difference was that we had just 4 TV channels, so we watched very little TV. We had no Mobil phones, no computers, no games other than board games. We played outside for hours, we were not inside watching movies or TV. We played hard. It is the inactivity that is killing America, not so much the food. Kids today, like adults are just inactive. Our bodies are designed to move.
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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

I have been a technology "geek" since the 1950's and have seen many that I like/have improved lives and made life easier for some.

One that I will hate until my last breath and wish it had never been offered to the public?

Cell phones, even the dumb ones.

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

On 5/27/2014 focksie said:
I said technology is "probably a big factor in childhood obesity". Kids are spending most, if not all of their time sitting in front of the tv or computer. Kids do not play outside anymore. Their physical activity now consists of pushing buttons. Of course sugar is another factor.Self-absorption as in selfies, facebook (me,me,me), plugged into and staring at their phones when they walk down the street (and even crossing the street) so that they are oblivious to anyone and everything around them, emailing and texting instead of speaking to each other or writing a personal note.

I totally agree. Kids are so wrapped up in phones and tablets today, the only part that gets a workout is their thumbs. Walking into work yesterday, not one person said good morning because they all had their faces in their cell phones. Every time a friend goes anywhere or eats anything, I have to see it on FB. We've lost our communications skills; no one talks to each other any more.

I have a cell phone, and use it occasionally. But it's not my LIFE. There was a You Tube going around on FB called "Look Up," about how life is passing up by while we're absorbed in our devices. Scary but true.

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

I think it has its pros and cons. As regards cable, I miss just being able to look at a TV Guide.

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

I like the good old days.
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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

On 5/27/2014 ~moxie~ said:
On 5/27/2014 focksie said:

It is a double-edged sword IMO. For all the good that technology has done, it is probably a big factor in childhood obesity, it has resulted in a new generation of self-absorbed kids and impersonal communication, and it has brought out the worst in some, compromising our personal security.

Technology has not made kids fat. It is the food processors who keep putting more and more sugar into processed food.

I don't see a generation of self absorbed kids, what happens today happened in the past and that was before our technology.

I agree, Moxie.

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

It is about moderation and parenting..

I love technology i.e. cell phones and computers myself..I love getting in my car and having technology at a push button! GPS right in my screen of the phone syncs etc.

I love texting my sisters in another father too..just a few buttons and instant answer!

I love the computer - touch of a few buttons and instant info.

As for kids and computers ..outside etc. it is about parenting and moderation!

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

It's OK, to a point. When I first started using computers at work, 20 years ago, I thought it was great fun. Same with cell phones a few years ago. The internet was exciting & new, now one has to use extreme caution so as to not get hacked. Email started out being a quick & easy way of communicating, rather than wasting valuable time playing telephone tag. Now one has to choose words very carefully to not be misunderstood, though tone of voice is missing & can make all the difference in how something's interpreted.

I look forward to retirement, when I don't have to sit at a pc all day, every day. Oh, I will continue using my pc at home, as well as my Kindle Fire, & keep the cell phone that I can never remember to charge up.

That will be my happy medium, just as avid texting & FB posting are important to some other people.

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Re: I love all the new technology that has transpired in just a few short years

Technology has made many things in our lives simpler, but like any innovation, we are greeted with a whole new set of problems. I am sure the advent of the automobile did the same thing. While the car sped things up for travel, offered more passengers on the journey, a more comfortable ride, plus no fumes from horse droppings, we ended up with carbon monoxide fumes, then sulfur dioxide fumes, careless drivers, multiple car crashes, licensing, insurance, freeways, etc. etc. it's all a trade off.